
Custom element for playing video using the DASH format. Uses dash.js.

Primary LanguageHTML


Version Badge size

A custom element for dash.js with an API that matches the <video> API.


<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@luwes/dash-video-element@1.0/+esm"></script>
<dash-video controls src="https://player.vimeo.com/external/648359100.mpd?s=a4419a2e2113cc24a87aef2f93ef69a8e4c8fb0c"></dash-video>


First install the NPM package:

npm install @luwes/dash-video-element

Import in your app javascript (e.g. src/App.js):

import '@luwes/dash-video-element';

Optionally, you can load the script directly from a CDN using JSDelivr:

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@luwes/dash-video-element@1.0/+esm"></script>

This will register the custom elements with the browser so they can be used as HTML.
