
Some scripts to run Nextcloud

Primary LanguageMakefile

Run NextCloud in Docker Compose

Some scripts to run NextCloud with Docker Compose.


First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/luxas/nextcloud
cd nextcloud

Create the ./data folder, and mount it to some kind of persistent storage:

mkdir data
mount /dev/sdXN $(pwd)/data

Either, create a TLS cert-keypair from e.g. Let's Encrypt, or run make self-sign-cert to secret/nextcloud.{crt,key}

Populate the ./DOMAIN file with the domain your NextCloud instance will be accessible on.

echo "<your-domain-here>" > DOMAIN

Lastly, run make up:

make up


Upgrading "should" be as easy as bumping the version variables in the Makefile, and running make up again.

Helper methods

# Show the current Docker Compose config
make config

# Show the logs of the containers
make logs

# Exec into the nextcloud container as the www-data user, to be able to run occ commands
make exec

# Stop all the containers
make down

Install the NextCloud Client on Ubuntu

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nextcloud-client