- 0
Filtering entered/pasted characters
#43 opened by ZsoltMolnarMBH - 1
DefaultTextInputFormatter subclassing
#44 opened by dankinsoid - 2
Xcode 14 bitcode
#45 opened by MarekSlaninka - 2
Prevention from passing non-numeric signs
#42 opened by swiatrzyk - 4
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Undefined symbol error trying to build
#40 opened by scriptprojectsdev - 1
The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 15.0.99.
#41 opened by Mohsinraza880 - 3
- 1
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Why iOS9 is not supported? :'(
#33 opened by MihaelIsaev - 1
Proper way to create a custom TextInputFormatter
#31 opened by czrml - 2
Swift Package Manager support
#27 opened by MihaelIsaev - 1
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UITextField change event doesn't working
#26 opened by hugovanderlei - 1
how change group separator to whitespace
#28 opened by sereja93 - 3
Can I use this TextController/TextInputFormatter with TextInputField set in storyboard?
#5 opened by michzio - 2
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Wrong caret calculation in SumTextInputFormatter
#25 opened by snowtema - 4
How to set the delegate?
#8 opened by ntkon - 2
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Cannot Implement TextInput protocol
#6 opened by cmillani - 1
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Doesn't work with xcode 10 as a cocoa pod
#10 opened by ntkon - 7
Release 0.1.3
#18 opened by jvanzummeren - 2
Swift 4.2?
#14 opened by ReveelTeam - 0
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