
Primary LanguageTypeScript

botfriends coding challenge

by Lukas Bauer

This project is part of the coding challenge for botfriends.


Demo is available at https://bot.luxterful.eu. You can use following data as configuration:

webhookUrl: https://service-2.bot.luxterful.eu/webhook

webhookSecret: 5ierh7Kay6MoKxx7QclbBq7I

Run project locally

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Edit .env file and change VUE_APP_SERVICE_1_URL to http://localhost:8081

Load all environment variables

$ export $(cat .env | xargs)

Start the local database

$ docker-compose -f database/docker-compose.yml up -d

Start the services

$ npm run serve

Access http://localhost:8080

How to run the project in production

This project uses traefik as an revere proxy to route traffic through the same domain. First start Traefik.

$ docker network create shared
$ docker-compose -f ./reverseProxy/docker-compose.yml up -d

Then start the main project:

$ docker-compose up -d

Things that are missing

  • Input data validation for POST/PUT requests
  • Automated testing of functionality
  • POST /messages endpoint of service 1 as webSocket endpoint

Presentation slide

The presentation slides can be found here