
The Treasure Box Library

Primary LanguageC

The Treasure Box Library

TBOX is a mutli-platform c library for unix, windows, mac, ios, android, etc.

It includes asio, stream, network, container, algorithm, object, memory, database, string, charset, math, libc, libm, utils and other library modules.


the stream io library

  • supports file, data, http and socket source
  • supports the stream filter for gzip charset and ..
  • implements the multi-stream transfer using asio

the asynchronous io library

  • supports reactor and proactor mode
  • using epoll, poll, select ,kqueue and iocp os system api

the database library

  • supports mysql and sqlite3 database and enumerates data using the iterator mode

the xml parser library

  • supports DOM and SAX mode and supports xpath.

the serialization and deserialization library.

  • supports xml, json, bplist, xplist, binary formats

the memory library

  • implements some memory pools for optimizating memory.
  • supports fast memory error detecting. it can detect the following types of bugs for the debug mode:
  • out-of-bounds accesses to heap and globals
  • use-after-free
  • double-free, invalid free
  • memory leaks

the container library

  • implements hash table, single list, double list, vector, stack, queue and min/max heap. supports iterator mode for algorithm.

the algorithm library

  • using the iterator mode
  • implements find, binary find and reverse find algorithm.
  • implements sort, bubble sort, quick sort, heap sort and insert sort algorithm.
  • implements count, walk items, reverse walk items, for_all and rfor_all.

the network library

  • implements dns(cached), ssl(openssl and polarssl), http and cookies
  • supports asynchronous io mode for dns, ssl and http using the asio and stream library

the platform library

  • implements timer, faster and lower precision timer
  • implements atomic and atomic64 operation
  • implements spinlock, mutex, event, semaphore, thread and thread pool
  • implements file, socket operation

the charset library

  • supports utf8, utf16, gbk, gb2312, uc2 and uc4
  • supports big endian and little endian mode

the zip library

  • supports gzip, zlibraw, zlib formats using the zlib library if exists
  • implements lzsw, lz77 and rlc algorithm

the utils library

  • implements base32, base64, md5 and sha algorithm
  • implements assert and trace output for the debug mode

the math library

  • implements random generator
  • implements fast fixed-point calculation, supports 6-bits, 16-bits, 30-bits fixed-point number

the libc library

  • implements lightweight libc library interfaces, the interface name contains tb_xxx prefix for avoiding conflict.
  • implements strixxx strrxxx wcsixxx wcsrxxx interface extension.
  • optimizates some frequently-used interface, .e.g. memset, memcpy, strcpy ...
  • implements memset_u16, memset_u32, memset_u64 extension interfaces.

the libm library

  • implements lightweight libm library interfaces, the interface name contains tb_xxx prefix for avoiding conflict.
  • supports float and double type.



####alipay alipay

####paypal paypal


	// build for linux-x86 debug
    cd ./tbox
    [make f PLAT=linux ARCH=x86 DEBUG=y] => optional
    make r

	// build for linux-x64 release
    cd ./tbox
    [make f PLAT=linux ARCH=x64 DEBUG=n] => optional
    make r

	// build for linux and add cflags and ldflags
    cd ./tbox
    make f PLAT=linux CFLAG="-I." LDFLAG="-L. -lxxx"
    make r

	// build for mac
    cd ./tbox
    [make f PLAT=mac ARCH=x64] => optional
    make r

	// build for ios-armv7, using sdk7.1 framework
    cd ./tbox
    make f PLAT=ios ARCH=armv7 SDK=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk
    make r
	// build for ios armv7 and arm64 universal version
    cd ./tbox
    make lipo ARCH1=armv7 ARCH2=arm64 SDK=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk

	// build for android-armv5te, need set the ndk and toolchains directory
    cd ./tbox
    make f PLAT=android ARCH=armv5te SDK=/home/xxxx/android-ndk-r9d BIN=/home/xxxx/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin
    make r
	// build for android-armv6, if ndk and toolchains have been setted
    cd ./tbox
    make f PLAT=android ARCH=armv6
    make r

	// build for windows using msvc
    cd ./tbox
    run ./msys.bat
    [make f PLAT=msvc ARCH=x86] => optional
    make r

	// build for windows using mingw and need link libgcc.a from mingw
    run msys
    cd ./tbox
    [make f PLAT=mingw ARCH=x86] => optional
    make r

	// build for windows using cygwin 
    run cygwin
    cd ./tbox
    [make f PLAT=cygwin ARCH=x86] => optional
    make r

	// build for windows and custom complier path and prefix and need link libgcc.a from mingw
    run cygwin
    cd ./tbox
    make f PLAT=mingw ARCH=x86 BIN="/home/xxx/bin" PRE="i386-mingw32-"
    make r


  • the installed files directory after runing "make r" or "make i":

  • bin: ./bin/tbox.pkg/

  • for linux x64:

  • CFLAGS[debug]: -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/ -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/linux/x64/ -D__tb_debug__

  • CFLAGS[release]: -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/ -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/linux/x64/

  • LDFLAGS[debug]: -L./bin/tbox.pkg/lib/linux/x64/ -ltboxd

  • LDFLAGS[release]: -L./bin/tbox.pkg/lib/linux/x64/ -ltboxr

  • for msvc x86:

  • CFLAGS[debug]: -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/ -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/msvc/x86/ -D__tb_debug__

  • CFLAGS[release]: -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/ -I./bin/tbox.pkg/inc/msvc/x86/

  • LDFLAGS[debug]: -LIBPATH:.\bin\tbox.pkg\lib/msvc\x86 tboxd.lib

  • LDFLAGS[release]: -LIBPATH:.\bin\tbox.pkg\lib/msvc\x86 tboxr.lib


    #include "tbox/tbox.h"

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        /* init tbox
         * @param priv      the platform private data
         *                  pass JNIEnv* env for android
         *                  pass tb_null for other platform
         * @param data      the memory data for the memory pool, uses the native memory if be tb_null
         * @param size      the memory size for the memory pool, uses the native memory if be zero
         * for android:     tb_init(jenv, tb_null, 0)
         * for memory pool: tb_init(tb_null, malloc(10 * 1024 * 1024), 10 * 1024 * 1024);
        if (!tb_init(tb_null, tb_null, 0)) return 0;

        // print info with tag
        tb_trace_i("hello tbox");

        // print info only for debug
        tb_trace_d("hello tbox"); 

        // print error info
        tb_trace_e("hello tbox");

        // init stream
        tb_stream_ref_t stream = tb_stream_init_from_url("http://www.xxxx.com/index.html");
        if (stream)
            // save stream data to file
            tb_transfer_done_to_url(stream, "/home/file/index.html", 0, tb_null, tb_null);

            // exit stream

        // block: save http to file
        tb_transfer_done_url("http://www.xxxx.com/index.html", "/home/file/index.html", 0, tb_null, tb_null);

        // async: save http to file for windows path
        tb_transfer_pool_done(tb_transfer_pool(), "http://www.xxxx.com/index3.html", "c:/home/file/index4.html", 0, 0, tb_null, tb_null, tb_null);

        // async: save http to file for unix path
        tb_transfer_pool_done(tb_transfer_pool(), "http://www.xxxx.com/index0.html", "/home/file/index0.html", 0, 0, tb_null, tb_null, tb_null);
        tb_transfer_pool_done(tb_transfer_pool(), "http://www.xxxx.com/index1.html", "/home/file/index2.html", 0, 0, tb_null, tb_null, tb_null);
        tb_transfer_pool_done(tb_transfer_pool(), "http://www.xxxx.com/index2.html", "/home/file/index3.html", 0, 0, tb_null, tb_null, tb_null);

        // wait some time

        // exit tbox
        return 0;