Lux HUD is a collection of Conky configs that gives you an almost complete system monitoring.
- System info
- Battery status
- Memory
- Disk
- Network
- Processes
- Journal log
- Time / Calendar
- Linux
- conky >= 1.11
- Cutive Mono font
Make sure you have conky and the Cutive Mono font installed on your system.
Download compressed files or use git clone.
git clone
Place the cloned or uncompressed lux-hud folder inside
example of correct file path
(all files inside here.)
Go through all .conf files and make sure your own device names are correct like disks / mount points / network interfaces etc. You do need to have some knowledge about how conky works so check out conky wiki
Execute the
file in your terminal to run all widgets at once, or use conky -c /path/to/configfile.conf
command to only launch the one you want, see the
file for how the script loads all conf files.
This collection is developed for a screen resolution of 1920x1080px. So feel free to customize all widgets to fit your screen if they aren't positioned correctly for you.
See conky wiki for more information about how to work with conky configurations (widgets)
The background in the screenshot can be found here
Why is all widgets in it's own file?
Mainly because it's easier to position them on the desktop.
How ever the bad thing about this is that it requires to run
multiple conky processes.
How do I make Lux HUD autostart on boot/login?
Look up how to create an autostart script on your distribution.
But most distributions that follows the FreeDesktop spec allows you to create a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/
for ex
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A complete system monitoring running with conky.
How do I customize the widgets in Lux HUD?
Just edit the conf file you want to customize and save. If conky
is already running the conf file you edit it should update without
a restart of conky. See conky wiki and man conky
pages for more information
on what you can do with conky.
My question is not answered here!
Feel free to contact me on email or create an issue on github.
ISC © 2021 Mikael Luxwarp Carlsson
Feel free to contribute the way you want.