Providing PHPUnit Testcases and a built in Webserver to test your Application, Modules, Components, APIs or Classes.
- 0
update root folder links
#41 opened by Arhell - 3
ServerTestCase not running on Windows
#34 opened by JohnnyMcWeed - 1
Db component not defined while luyadev
#33 opened by boehsermoe - 1
Generic Test Helpers
#30 opened by nadar - 0
Generate Fixture from existing table
#31 opened by nadar - 0
Speed up ServerTestCase
#3 opened by nadar - 0
Move permission and auth stuff into trait
#23 opened by nadar - 3
CmsBlockTestCase instanceof PhpBlock test
#10 opened by JohnnyMcWeed - 0
- 0
ensure runAction works with api actions
#21 opened by nadar - 0
Fix issue with callable rules
#17 opened by nadar - 0
Option to disable removing of safe attrributes
#16 opened by nadar - 0
Add travis and code climate
#15 opened by nadar - 0
Ignore safe attributes
#14 opened by nadar - 0
Active Record Fixture boolean and integer schema
#13 opened by nadar - 0
New feature: CmsBlockGroupTestCase
#8 opened by JohnnyMcWeed - 0
add ngrest test cases
#6 opened by nadar - 0
ActiveRecord fixture with table generation
#7 opened by nadar - 0
Add cms block test case
#5 opened by nadar - 0
Add LUYA core dependency after 1.0.0 release
#4 opened by nadar