
Jodd quickstart templates

Primary LanguageJava

Jodd Quickstart

Jodd quickstart templates.

Read more: http://jodd.org/doc/quickstart

Download project, setup and run. Then examine the code; also don't forget to check todo markers for more hints.


The list of available Jodd quickstart template projects:


This is a quick start web application built using Madvoc web framework. Madvoc is MVC framework that uses CoC and annotations in a pragmatic way to simplify web application development. It is easy to use, learning curve is small and it is easy to extend. There are no external (xml) configuration, actions are simple POJOs, it is compatible with any view technology, its pluggable and so on...


webapp 1

More advanced example of web application built with many Jodd frameworks. MySql database required for this example (SQL script provided). Application reads users from database (using DbOom) and displays them on the page (using Madvoc), decorated by Decora. Services and actions are wired with Petite. This example also uses benefits of Jodd Joy!