
Data Visualization for the Open Research Corpus dataset

Primary LanguageRuby

Simon Says: Backend


  1. (Optional) Install a ruby version manager such as rvm or rbenv
  2. Install ruby 2.4.1 (You may do rvm install 2.4.1 or rbenv install 2.4.1)
  3. Install mongodb
  4. Clone the git repo and cd into it.
  5. gem install bundler
  6. bundle
  7. Obtain a copy of output.json (~500 MB) from a teammate and place it in the same folder as your cloned repo. Make sure to do this in the top-level folder and not in any subfolders.
  8. rails c followed by JsonImporter.import

Populating the hosted DB

Steps for uploading a new dataset to our production MongoDB database hosted on mLab

  1. Make sure that you have the new dataset ready on your local machine. You can use JsonImporter to import data from any .json files.

  2. Run the following command. This will create a folder dump with a subfolder viz.

mongodump -d viz -c publications
  1. Once you have obtained a dump of your local MongoDB database, run this command to upload it to mLab, replacing <password> with the appropriate password obtained from a teammate.
mongorestore -h ds243285.mlab.com:43285 -d heroku_9nszfk0s -c publications -u heroku_9nszfk0s -p <password> dump/viz/publications.bson