
for web info processng

Primary LanguagePython

reports for web class project @2019

Report Naming Convension

  ┗ student_id.md / student_id.docx / ...  
  ┗ src (folder)
  ┃  ┃
  ┃  ┗ scripts (folder) for codes.
  ┃  ┗ dataset (folder) for datasets > 100M, please use pan.baidu.com, and leave url here.
  ┗ extra (folder) copy selected bonus documents here, edit and save it as $DOCUMENT-NAME$-student_id.docx

Submission Steps

  • create account on github.com & login into github.com

  • fork a copy of info-ruc/2410web

  • download and install git tool on your local computer

  • git config --global user.name "$yourname$" & git config --global user.email "$yourname@yourserver.com$"

  • git clone https://github.com/$yourname$/2410web.git

  • make folders structures following Report Naming Convention in README.md

  • enter folders and edit reports (student_no.md / student_no.tex) and other documents & files

  • git add --all

  • git commit -m "description of edit"

  • git push

  • create a pull request on github.com to merge your commit with info-ruc/2410web

Submission Deadline

  • 2019/06/04