
BenchmarkSQL for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle

Primary LanguageJava


This is a fork of BenchmarkSQL with additionl scripts and libaraies so that it can run on PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle.

Currently the lastest version is 4.1.1

There is also a fork of 3.0.9 with MySQL support in the history

how to run

prepare for running

  1. install ant
  2. use ant compile
 $ ant

Instructions for running

Use of JDK7 is required. Sample JDBC Connection Property files are provided as follows: props.pg : for PostgreSQL/EnterpriseDB props.ora : for Oracle

  1. As the user postgres, create the benchmarksql user with correct permissions. postgres=# CREATE USER benchmarksql WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'password'; postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE postgres TO benchmarksql;

  2. Go to the 'run' directory, edit the appropriate "props.???" file to point to the database instance you'd like to test.

  3. Run the "sqlTableCreates" to create the base tables.

     $ ./runSQL.sh props.pg sqlTableCreates
  4. Run the Loader command file to load all of the default data for a benchmark:

A.) Approximately half a million rows (per Warehouse) will be loaded across 9 tables.

    $ ./runLoader.sh props.pg numWarehouses 1

  NOTE: You should run the sqlTableTruncates scripts if your tables
        are not already empty.

B.) Alternatively, for PostgreSQL you may choose to generate the load data out to CSV files where it can be efficiently bulk loaded into the database as many times as required by your testing.

  $ ./runLoader.sh props.pg numWarehouses 1 fileLocation /tmp/csv/

  These CSV files can be bulk loaded as follows:
    $  ./runSQL.sh props.pg sqlTableCopies

  You may truncate the data via:

    $  ./runSQL.sh props.pg sqlTableTruncates
  1. Run the "runSQL" command file to execute the SQL script "sqlIndexCreates" to create the primary keys & other indexes on the tables.

     $  ./runSQL.sh props.pg sqlIndexCreates
  2. Optionally run the "runSQL" command file to execute the SQL script "sqlExtraCreates." to make history.hist_id an auto-increment primary key. This column does not exist in the TPC-C standard and is provided for convenience of users of replication systems such as Bucardo or Slony-I. The benchmark itself will work with or without it being an actual auto-incrementing primary key.

     $  ./runSQL.sh props.pg sqlIndexCreates.pg
  3. Run the "runBenchmark" command file to test the database. This command will create terminals and automatically start the transaction based on the parameters set in "props".

    $  ./runBenchmark.sh props.pg