
Code and models from the paper "Layer Normalization"

Primary LanguagePython


Code and models from the paper "Layer Normalization".


To use the code you will need:

  • Python 2.7
  • Theano
  • A recent version of NumPy and SciPy

Along with the Theano version described below, we also include a torch implementation in the torch_modules directory.


Available is a file layers.py which contain functions for layer normalization (LN) and 4 RNN layers: GRU, LSTM, GRU+LN and LSTM+LN. The GRU and LSTM functions are added to show what differs from the functions that use LN.

Below we describe how to integrate these functions into existing Github respositories that will allow you to perform the same experients as in the paper. We also make available the trained models that we used to compute curves and numbers in the paper.

Ideally in the future these will be made as PRs to the corresponding repositories.

NOTE: it is highly encouraged to use CNMeM when using layer norm. Just add cnmem = 1 to your Theano flags.


The order-embeddings experiments make use of the respository from Ivan Vendrov et al available here. To train order-embeddings with layer normalization:

  • Clone the above repository
  • Add the layer norm function to layers.py in the order-embeddings repo
  • Add the lngru_layer and param_init_lngru functions to layers.py in the order-embeddings repo
  • Add 'lngru': ('param_init_lngru', 'lngru_layer'), to layers
  • In driver.py, replace 'encoder': 'gru' with 'encoder': 'lngru'
  • Follow the instructons on the main page to train a model

Available below is a download to the model used to report results in the paper:

wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/lngru_order_add0.npz
wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/lngru_order_add0.pkl

Once downloaded, follow the instructions on the main page for evaluating models. This will allow you to reproduce the numbers reported in the table for order-embeddings+LN.


The skip-thoughts experiments make use of the repository from Jamie Ryan Kiros et al available here. To train skip-thoughts with layer normalization:

  • Clone the above repository
  • Add the layer norm function to training/layers.py in the skip-thoughts repo
  • Add the lngru_layer and param_init_lngru functions to layers.py in training/layers.py in the skip-thoughts repo
  • Add 'lngru': ('param_init_lngru', 'lngru_layer'), to layers
  • In training/train.py, replace encoder='gru' with encoder='lngru' and replace decoder='gru' with decoder='lngru'
  • Follow the instructions in the training directory to train a model

Below is the skip-thoughts model trained for 1 month using layer normalization:

wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/lngru_may13_1700000.npz
wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/lngru_may13_1700000.npz.pkl

Once downloaded, follow Step 4 in the training directory to load the model. This model will allow you to reproduce the reported results in the last row of the table. Step 5 describes how to use the model to encode new sentences into vectors.


The attentive reader experiment makes use of the repository from Tim Cooijmans et al here. To train an attentive reader model:

Clone the above repository and obtain the data:

wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/top4.zip
  • In codes/att_reader/pkl_data_iterator.py set vdir to be the directory you unzipped the data
  • Add the layer norm function to layers.py in codes/att_reader/layers.py
  • Add the lnlstm_layer and param_init_lnlstm functions to layers.py in codes/att_reader/layers.py
  • Add 'lnlstm': ('param_init_lnlstm', 'lnlstm_layer'), to layers
  • Follow the instructions for training a new model

Here is the command I used for training. See train_baseline.sh for context. Some of the settings in the repository have changed since our experiment:

THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu0,lib.cnmem=0.85 python -u -O ${SDIR}/train_attentive_reader.py --use_dq_sims 1 --use_desc_skip_c_g 0 --dim 240 --learn_h0 1 --lr 8e-5 --truncate -1 --model "lstm_s1.npz" --batch_size 64 --optimizer "adam" --validFreq 1000 --model_dir $MDIR --use_desc_skip_c_g 1  --unit_type lnlstm

Below are the log files from the model trained using layer normalization:

wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/stats_dimworda_[240]_datamode_top4_usedqsim_1_useelug_0_validFre_1000_clip-c_[10.0]_usebidir_0_encoderq_lnlstm_dimproj_[240]_use-drop_[True]_optimize_adam_lstm_s1.npz.pkl

These can be used to reproduce the layer norm curve from the paper.