Inspired by net2net, network distillation.
Contributor: @luzai, @miibotree
- keras 2.0
- backend: tensorflow 1.1
- image_data_format: 'channel_last'
- single model may be trained multiple time, have a nice event logger(csv or tfevents)
- logger for model mutations and training event
- Dataset switcher (mnist, cifar100 or others)
- write doc
- Name
- Vis
The ratio of widening propto depth
finish add group function, and rand select group number in [2,3,4,5]
test different way to initialize group layer's weights.(for example, use identity)
skip layer use add operation, skip layer use 1 * 1 conv to keep the same channel number.
The propobility of adding Maxpooling layer inversely propto depth (constrain the number of MaxPooling layers)
add a conv with maxpooling layer will drop acc by a large margin, how to fix this problem? (maxpooling should be added early)
Propobility of 5 mutation operations
to improve val acc and avoid overfitting
- try regularizers(kernel regularizer, output regularizer), (Yes, effective)
- dropout, (Yes, effective)
- BN
group layer's wider operation
Distribute/ parallel Training
Summary at running time
Use kd loss
- Train(65770): hard label + transfer label; Test(10000): cifar-10 hard label
- use
functional API
rather thansequence
- hard label + soft-target (tune hyper-parameter T)
experiments on comparing two type models: Final Accuracies are similar.
- Deeper(Different orders) -> Wider: Accuracy grows stable; Train fast
- Wider -> Deeper
function, imitating inception module -
net2deeper for pooling and dropout layer
net2wider for conv layer on kernel size dimension, i.e., 3X3 to 5X5
- Grow Architecture to VGG-like
- Exp: what accuracy can vgg-19 achieve
- Fixed: slight downgrade of net2wider conv8
- compare on accuracy and training time
Vgg16 | Vgg8 | Vgg8+Dropout | Vgg8-net2net(no dropout) |
10.00% | 83.56% | 90.05% | 87.45% |
Figure 1 Vgg8-net2net(no dropout, epoch 0-250)
Figure 2 Vgg8-net2net(no dropout, epoch 20-250)
Figure 3 Vgg-net2net(cmd1, in different stage)
- kd loss -[x] soft-target
- transfer data
- experiments on random generate model
- generate random feasible command
- check the completeness, run code in parallel
- find some rules: Gradient explosion happens when fc is too deep
- Data-augmentation is better than Dropout