Peliconf is a theme for Pelican designed for conference sites. Theme Demo.
This theme supports a lot of configuration parameters.
You can find an example configuration file in the root directory of the project:
If you want to customize this theme, first install all dependencies:
$ npm install
Then, edit the files as you prefer. These are the important directories:
Here are the theme templatessass/
Here are the scss files, to customize the CSSjs/
Here is the javscript code
To compile and minify the assets, run:
$ gulp
- If you want to change colors and fonts, edit the file:
# The conference name
SITENAME = 'PeliConf 2016'
# The header background image, rtelative to static/images
HEADER_BACKGROUND = 'header.jpg'
# The conference claim, it will show in a box on the homepage
EVENT_CLAIM = '''You should not miss our awesome conference.<br>
You will find a lot of great speakers and interesting talks, from novice level to
super guru. <b>Save the date!</b>
# The event date, it will show above the main title
EVENT_DATE = '14th March 2016'
# The event location, it will show above the main title
EVENT_LOCATION = 'The Great Place, Florence'
# This is the link on the left in the main navigation. Tuple description:
# 1. the link URL
# 2. the link title
# 3. an optional link image (if None, the title will be shown)
BRANDING_LINK = ('/', '', 'branding-logo.png',)
# These are the buttons below the main title, use them for tickets! Tuple description:
# 1. The button label
# 2. The button link
# 3. If the button is primary or not
('Conference Tickets', '', True),
('Dinner Tickets', '', False),
# A string in the footer, use this for Copyright information
COPYRIGHT = '''© Copyright 2016 carloratm <><br>
<a href=""></a>
# The option social events
'title': 'The Social Beer',
'when': '13th March 2016 18:00',
'where': 'The awesome Pub',
'map': '',
'description': 'A short description of the event',
}, {
'title': 'The Social Dinner',
'when': '14th March 2016 20:00',
'where': 'The Awesome Restaurant',
'map': '',
'description': 'This event needs reservation. It costs 30 euro per person.',
# The Conference sponsors, grouped by sponsorship level. Tuple description:
# 1. Sponsor Name
# 2. Sponsor url
# 3. Sponsor Logo
'diamond': [
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
'platinum': [
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
'gold': [
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
'silver': [],
'media': [
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
('Sponsor', '', 'logo-sponsor.png'),
# These are social links related to conference, they will appear both on the header in
# the homepage and in the footer in all pages. Tuple description:
# 1. The social name
# 2. The social link
# 3. The icon (get the name from
# 4. A boolean, True if you want to hide the social name (and show only the icon)
('facebook', '', 'facebook', True),
('twitter', '', 'twitter', True),
('google plus', '', 'google-plus', True),
# Additional links that will be placed in the footer navigation
# Remember that you can put pages in the footer navigation using the :nav: footer meta
('cheatsheet', '/pages/cheatsheet.html' ),
# The conference main speakers. Tuple description:
# 1. Speaker Name
# 2. Speaker picture, if None a placeholder will be shown
('Carlo Ascani', 'speaker-male.png'),
('Mario Rossi', None),
('Carla Bianchi', 'speaker-female.png'),
('Chiara Rossi', 'speaker-female.png'),
# The conference schedule
('09:00', [
'title': 'Registration'
('09:45', [
'track': 'auditorium',
'title': 'Keynote',
'slug': 'keynote',
'speakers': [
'Carlo Ascani',
('10:30', [
'title': 'Coffee Break',
'extra_class': 'schedule-item--coffe',
('10:45', [
'track': 'room A',
'title': 'The Awesome Talk',
# The talk slug is used to get the detail page
'slug': 'the-awesome-talk',
'level': 'hard',
'language': 'english',
'duration': '45 min',
'speakers': [
'Carlo Ascani',
'track': 'room B',
'title': 'The Big Talk',
'slug': 'the-big-talk',
'level': 'novice',
'language': 'italian',
'duration': '45 min',
'speakers': [
'Franco Rossi',
'Maria Rossi'
('13:00', [
'title': 'Pranzo',
'extra_class': 'schedule-item--lunch',
('13:45', [
'track': 'room A',
'title': 'The Incredible Talk',
'slug': 'the-incredible-talk',
'level': 'hard',
'language': 'english',
'duration': '45 min',
'speakers': [
'Carlo Ascani',
'track': 'room B',
'title': 'The Nice Talk',
'slug': 'the-nice-talk',
'level': 'novice',
'language': 'italian',
'duration': '45 min',
'speakers': [
'Franco Rossi',
'Maria Rossi'
('15:30', [
'title': 'Coffee Break',
'extra_class': 'schedule-item--coffe',
('16:30', [
'track': 'auditorium',
'title': 'Lightning Talks',
('18:00', [
'title': 'The Beer at the Awesome Pub',
'extra_class': 'schedule-item--beer',