
Transcode video files to the AV1 format using ffmpeg and libaom-av1.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Encode AV1 videos with ffmpeg and libaom-av1.

This tool takes input videos and encodes them to AV1, using the libaom-av1 encoder. At the time of writing this, the reference encoder is still very slow and can’t fully utilize modern multi-core CPUs. To mitigate this issue, this program splits the input at scene cuts and encodes multiple scenes in parallel, allowing full CPU utilization and therefore faster encode times.

This is a command line application only. There is no GUI.

How is the overall encoding process done?

This program takes multiple passes over each input file:

  1. First, it uses the ffmpeg scene cut filter to determine the scene cuts. This is done to avoid splitting the video in the middle of a scene, because such a split causes an artificial and unnecessary bitrate spike.

  2. It then merges all short scenes below the minimum length threshold, so that the overall scene length falls between some acceptable lower and upper bound. (Beware: Upper bounds are currently not implemented!)

  3. It will then start an ffmpeg instance for each found scene, encoding the scenes independently in parallel. Only a limited, configurable number of instances will run at any time to not overload the system. Each running scene encoding will be performed outputting into a temporary directory, and moved into a central scene repository directory on completion. This ensures that only completed scene encodes are kept, making the process fully stoppable and resumable at any time. Incomplete and aborted or otherwise failing encodes will be thrown away.

    On resume, the program picks up any finished work, like finished scenes in the scene repository and skips redoing them, thus avoiding duplicate work.

  4. When all scenes are encoded, the ffmpeg concat demuxer is used to join all scenes into a single video file.


  • Python >= 3.7 (3.6 may work, but is untested)
  • recent ffmpeg with recent and enabled libaom-av1 (git master builds from around November 2019 for both ffmpeg and libaom-av1 work.)
  • (A somewhat fast CPU and some gigabytes of free and writable disk space. The encoding process requires about the size of the final result for temporary data during the encoding process.)


Install from PyPI using pip3 install av1transcoder

Alternatively, to install the latest version from a local repository checkout, open a terminal at the root level of your checkout (contains setup.py and this README) and run: pip3 install . (Note the dot indicating the current directory).

As a third alternative, you can run the program directly from the repository checkout without installation. The repository contains a simple runner script (named av1transcoder-runner.py) that can be used for this purpose.

Currently, there is no setup.exe or directly executable Python bundle for Windows platforms.


Execute av1transcoder after installation or run ./av1transcoder-runner.py from the source tree, if you have cloned the development repository. The program expects one or more video files as positional arguments. Each given video file will be transcoded to AV1. The encoding process can be controlled using several optional command line switches. Use the --help switch to view all possible parameters with explanations. A copy of the output is included below. Please read the notes about limitations and issues below (See point "Important notes")!

Full --help output

For reference, here is the --help output:

$ av1transcoder -h
  usage: av1transcoder [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-t TEMP_DIR] [-k] [-f] [-s SCENE_CUT_THRESHOLD] [-m SECONDS] [-1]
                             [--crop TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT] [-e STRING] [-g STRING]
                             [-c MAX_CONCURRENT_ENCODES] [--dump-commands {yes,no,only}] [--deinterlace]
                             [-L NUMBER] [-v] [-V] [--cutelog-integration] [--ffmpeg EXECUTABLE_NAME]
                             [--ffprobe EXECUTABLE_NAME] [--ffmpeg-base DIRECTORY]
                             input_file [input_file ...]

  Transcode video files to AV1. This program takes input video files and transcodes the video track to the AV1 format
  using the libaom-av1 reference encoder.

  positional arguments:
    input_file            Input video files. All given video files will be transcoded to AV1.

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                          Store the result in this directory. If set and --temp-dir is unset, also store the temporary
                          data here. If unset, results are stored alongside the input file.
    -t TEMP_DIR, --temp-dir TEMP_DIR
                          Store temporary data in this directory. If unset, use the output directory set by --output-
                          dir. If that is unset, store the temporary data alongside the input data.
    -k, --keep-temp       Keep temporary data after the transcoding process finished. May help in resolving transcoding
    -f, --force-overwrite
                          Force overwriting existing data. If unset and filename collisions are detected, the affected
                          input files are skipped. If set, existing files will be overwritten.
    -s SCENE_CUT_THRESHOLD, --scene-cut-threshold SCENE_CUT_THRESHOLD
                          Define the threshold value for the scene cut detection filter. Accepts a decimal number in
                          the range (0,1]. Defaults to 0.300000
    -m SECONDS, --min-scene-length SECONDS
                          Minimal allowed scene duration in seconds. Adjacent detected scenes are combined to have at
                          least this duration, if possible. This is not a hard limit. It prevents splitting the input
                          video into many small and independent encoding tasks to improve encoding efficiency. Defaults
                          to 30
    -1, --single-pass     Use Single-Pass encoding instead of Two-Pass encoding. Various sources indicate that this is
                          neither recommended for libaom-av1 nor saves much time compared to Two-Pass encoding.
                          Crop the given number of pixels from the input videos. You can specify the option multiple
                          times to give each input file their own individual crop parameters. If more input files are
                          given than --crop instances, the last given set of crop values will be used for all remaining
                          input files. BEWARE: This uses an ffmpeg video filter, thus is incompatible with additional
                          custom video filters given using --encoder-parameters. Trying to use --crop and a custom
                          video filter at the same time will cause ffmpeg to fail.
    -e STRING, --encoder-parameters STRING
                          Add custom encoder parameters to the encoding process. Add all parameters as a single, quoted
                          string. These parameters will be passed directly to all ffmpeg processes doing the encoding
                          work. As an example, the default value is '-pix_fmt yuv420p10le -cpu-used 4 -crf 15 -frame-
                          parallel 0 -threads 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 8 -enable-cdef 1 -enable-global-motion 1
                          -enable-intrabc 1', which is tuned for high quality encodes of SD material, for example from
                          DVD sources. BEWARE: Due to a bug in Python argument parser
                          (https://bugs.python.org/issue9334), the parameters MUST NOT begin with a dash (-) when used
                          as --encoder-parameters "<parameters>". You MUST begin the quoted custom parameter string
                          with a space character or use = to specify the string, like --encoder-parameters="-your-
    -g STRING, --global-parameters STRING
                          Add custom global parameters to all ffmpeg processes. These are passed in as the first
                          arguments to ffmpeg before the input file and can be used to enable hardware acceleration or
                          similar global switches. Example: '-hwaccel cuvid'. When using this to enable hardware
                          decoding, ensure that the HW decoder can handle at least --max-concurrent-encodes parallel
                          decoder instances. Default is to not add parameters at all, leaving everything at the default
                          settings. BEWARE: The issue described for --encoder-parameters applies here, too.
                          Run up to this many ffmpeg instances in parallel. Takes a positive integer, defaults to 8
    --dump-commands {yes,no,only}
                          Dump executed ffmpeg commands in text files for later examination or manual execution. The
                          files will be placed in the temporary directory. If set to 'only', this program will only
                          dump the command lines but not actually execute encoding tasks. The scene detection will
                          always be executed even if set to 'only', because the later steps require the data to be
                          present. Defaults to 'no'. Setting to a non-default value implies setting '--keep-temp'.
    --deinterlace         Deinterlace the interlaced input video using the yadif video filter. BEWARE: This uses an
                          ffmpeg video filter, thus is incompatible with additional custom video filters given using
                          --encoder-parameters. If you use custom video filters or require another deinterlacer, like
                          IVTC, add the de-interlace filter to your filter chain instead of using this option.
    -L NUMBER, --limit-encodes NUMBER
                          Stop after encoding this number of scenes. Useful, if you plan to split the encoding process
                          over multiple sessions. If given, this program will encode this NUMBER of previously not
                          encoded scenes. Only if all scenes are finished, the final result will be assembled from
                          scenes. Default is to not limit the number of encodes. For the sake of this option, the two
                          encodes needed for a Two-Pass encode count as one encode towards this limit. For now, setting
                          this option implies --keep-temp.
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -V, --verbose         Increase output verbosity. Also show debug messages on the standard output.
                          Connect to a running cutelog instance with default settings to display the full program log.
                          See https://github.com/busimus/cutelog for details.
    --ffmpeg EXECUTABLE_NAME
                          Specify the ffmpeg executable name. Can be a relative or absolute path or a simple name (i.e.
                          an executable name without path separators). If given a simple name, the system PATH variable
                          will be searched. Defaults to "ffmpeg"
    --ffprobe EXECUTABLE_NAME
                          Specify the ffprobe executable name. Can be a relative or absolute path or a simple name
                          (i.e. an executable name without path separators). If given a simple name, the system PATH
                          variable will be searched. Defaults to "ffprobe"
    --ffmpeg-base DIRECTORY
                          Specify the path to a custom ffmpeg installation, for example "/opt/ffmpeg/bin". If given,
                          both --ffmpeg and --ffprobe arguments are treated as a path relative to this path. Not set by

  The resulting files are named like <input_file_name>.AV1.mkv and are placed alongside the input file, or into the
  output directory given by --output-dir. During the encoding process, each input file will have it’s own temporary
  directory named <input_file_name_with_extension>.temp. The temporary directory is placed according to the placement
  rules, preferring --temp-dir over --output-dir over the input file’s directory. The output files will only contain
  video tracks. You have to add back other tracks yourself, like audio or subtitles, and mux them into the container of
  your choice. Files with multiple video tracks are untested and probably won’t work. File names that contain esoteric
  characters like newlines will probably break the ffmpeg concat demuxer and will likely cause failures. Long arguments
  can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous. Don’t use this feature in scripts, because new
  argument switches might break previously valid abbreviations. Arguments can be loaded from files using the
  @-Notation. Use "@/path/to/file" to load arguments from the specified file. The file must contain one argument per
  line. It may be useful to load a set of common arguments from a file instead of typing them out on the command line,
  when you can re-use the same set of arguments multiple times.

Important notes

Due to a bug in the Python argument parser module (https://bugs.python.org/issue9334), The values given for --global-parameters and --encoder-parameters MUST NOT begin with a dash. For example --encoder-parameters "-pix_fmt yuv420p" is NOT ALLOWED, and will cause an error during the parsing step. This can’t be fixed from my side.

But since ffmpeg always begin with a dash, you’ll run into this issue. As a workaround, begin the custom ffmpeg parameters with a space, for example " -pix_fmt yuv420p" (note the space between " and -) or use = to join the option and it’s value like this: --encoder-parameters="-cpu-used 3"

Cropping and de-interlacing

Specifying cropping parameters using --crop or using --deinterlace is incompatible with custom encoder settings that contain ffmpeg video filters like -vf some_filter=values. Trying to use both will result in ffmpeg complaining and aborting.

If you want to use a custom video filter, do not use the mentioned options. Instead add the filters to your custom filter chain as needed yourself.

Loading arguments from files

Arguments for this program can be loaded from files. Use @/path/to/file as a parameter to load the parameters in the given file. In the argument file, write one option per line. When setting paths, for example for --temp-dir or --output-dir, you do not need to put the path in quotation marks. For best results (and long-term readability), use long style options and join the option and value with =, like: --temp-dir=/path/to/temp/directory

Two-Pass mode: Technical details

Two-Pass mode uses a simple scheduler to ensure high load throughout the encoding process, avoiding single, long running encoding processes remaining at the end of the encoding process and artificially delaying the whole process.

This is done by doing all first pass encodes first and then use the first pass log file size as simple metric to estimate the second-pass runtime and schedule the second passes accordingly. The used metric assumes that there is a linear correlation between first-pass log file size and second-pass encoding time. When the encoding tasks are sorted by the log file size and therefore by the assumed relative run time, the program will start encoding long running scenes first. This will result in better multicore usage at the end of the processing. It avoids starting long scenes, like the ending credits, at the end of the processs, and therefore lessens the impact of a single, long encode delaying the whole process. With this scheduling approach, it is way more likely that the last running encodings will be encoding short and easy scenes and therefore having less overall delay.


Copyright (C) 2019, Thomas Hess

This program is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. See the LICENSE file for details.