1. About/Overview

  2. List of Features Currently this program supports the following features:

    1. Blur image
    2. sharpening image
    3. Apply grey scale to the image
    4. Apply sepia tone to the image
    5. Reduce the color density to a specific color number per channel.
    6. Applying image mosaic
    7. Applying image pixelation
    8. Generate corss-stitch pattern(in picture or txt file format)
  3. How to run Download the ImageProcesser.jar file to your local disk. Also, download the dmc.csv file to the same directory as the ImageProcesser.jar file. Create a txt file name command.txt and write the operations you want inside that file. In the end, put all the pictures you want to process to this same directory as well. Important Note: All the input file has to be in the format of UTF-16 encoded.

    After these steps, start the program by running the jar file or using command java -jar ImageProcesser.jar.

  4. How to use the Program Important The dmc.csv file and command.txt file are required to run this program properly. Please do not modify the dmc.csv file. You must load the image first before you can apply any operations in the following list (2-9) For the command, the file name has to be command.txt this program currently support the following commands in the following syntax:

    1. load image: load
    2. save image: save
    3. blur image: blur No additional argument
    4. sharpening image: sharpening No additional argument
    5. greyscale image: greyscale No additional argument
    6. sepiatone image: sepiatone No additional argument
    7. reduce: reduce colorPerChannel
    8. pixelation: pixelation blockNum
    9. pattern: pattern outputName ****************************' Please do not put any empty line in the command.txt file
  5. Image Citation Images 48.jpg and spam.jpg that are in the res folder are photos taken by me. I have authorized the use of these two images in the class cs 5010 The link for starbucks.jpg is listed here, and the use of the starbucks logo if only for educational purpose. https://www.shutterstock.com/search/starbucks+logo

  6. Design/Model Changes In the original design, I decided to use 2 seperate interface for pixelation and generate pattern. In the revised design, I decided to use only 1 interface called pixelation beacause the 2 operations shares many same methods and in fact the pattern generation is built on the pixelated result of the image. Also, I applied the controller in order to run the script. My controller consist 3 parts: the controller, image model and command. In order to avoid using long switch statement, I used a hash map to map the corresponding operation to the corresponding command object.

  7. Assumptions: The users has to have both command.txt file and dmc.csv file in order to run the program properly. User must use the load command first before they can process the image.

  8. Limitations: All the requirements from the assignment description have been delivered.

Example Output: Original Picture: Harley Davidson 1200


After Applying Sepia Tone and pixelation


After Applying grey scale and sharpening Image

After Applying grey scale and Mosaic Image

After Cross-stitching and stitch all the tire to red: Image

Original Picture Starbucks Image

Generate the cross stitch pattern in txt file: Image

More examples can be found under the res folder