
Memcached client library in Rust

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


Memcached client library for Rust, written in Rust.


RustyMem is a robust Memcached client library for Rust programs to connect to Memcached servers. It supports both the Memcached ASCII protocol and binary protocol for connecting to the Memcached-protocol compatible servers. It can store cache data in a single server, and supports distributing cache data to a cluster of servers through key sharding. It sports an easy to use API fully implementing the Memcached protocol to let any Rust program leverage the full feature of a high performaning Memcached system.

A Hello World Sample

Here's a quick example to illustrate the usage of RustyMem.

extern mod rustymem;

use rustymem::*;

let mut rm = rustymem::connect("");
rm.set_str("hello", 0, "Hello World");

This imports the public names from the rustymem library. Creates a new RustyMem object with a connection to the Memached server at Puts the string value "Hello World" with the key "hello" in the server. Then gets it back by key.

let mut rm = rustymem::connect("");
rm.set_str("hello", 0, "Hello World");

This creates a RustyMem object forming a cluster of three Memcached servers. A cache object's key is used to consistently map to a server in the cluster for storing and retrieval.

More examples:

 rm.set_bytes("hello", 60, "Hello World".as_bytes());   // set the byte data with a 60 seconds expiration
 rm.set_as("amount", 60, &10.12);                       // set the amount with the float value type
 rm.set_json("my-vec", 60, &~[10, 20, 30, 40])) );      // set a vector as a JSON object

 rm.get_bytes("hello");                                 // get back the object as a byte array
 rm.get_as::<float>("amount");                          // get back the amount as float type
 rm.get_json("my-vec");                                 // get back the JSON object

 rm.get_bulk_as::<float>(["amount1", "amount2", "amount10"]);  // get multiple objects at one shot


The current version of RustyMem requires the latest version of Rust at the master branch, 0.8-pre or later.
It doesn't work with Rust 0.7 since there are substantial changes between 0.7 and 0.8.

RustyMem is a pure Rust implementation of a Memcached client and not depending on any native Memcached library.


Download the source using git

git clone --origin gihub https://github.com/williamw520/rustymem.git

Or download the source tree as a zip file from GitHub. Then unzip it.


Run the Makefile to build the library.

cd rustymem

The output library binary is in the bin directory. The tests are in there as well.

Run the client_test. The test assumes there's a Memcached server running at, and one running at for the cluster testing.


Run the benchmark. The benchmark assumes there's a Memcached server running at

make bench-client-test

Sample and Test

Currently the test file test/client_test.rs has examples of using the RustyMem API.

The file client_test.rs shows how a client can use the RustyMem library. Check the Makefile on how to link in the library.


For now, only IP address can be used as server address. DNS support is not there yet in Rust.