
Using @blockstream Esplora web explorer to fetch bitcoin data for clightning

Primary LanguageC


Build status: Build Status

c-lightning C plugin allows c-lightning to use esplora web explorer for fetching bitcoin data and send transactions.

Based on sauron plugin c-lightning plugin with esplora integration by darosior.


Install libcurl and libssl, on linux:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev


  1. copy esplora.c into lightning/plugins folder
  2. apply Makefile.patch to add esplora in clightning plugins build (tested for clightning v0.9.0)
patch -p1 < Makefile.patch
  1. add libcurl to LDLIBS dep (needed for esplora plugin)
sed -i 's/LDLIBS = /LDLIBS = -lcurl -lssl -lcrypto /g' Makefile
  1. run make on your lightning folder


Disable bcli plugin in order to fetch bitcoin data from esplora plugin, and set plugin options, as the following:

./lightningd/lightningd --testnet --disable-plugin bcli --log-level=debug \

Full available options:

  • --esplora-api-endpoint=<url>: set esplora endpoint (as https://blockstream.info/testnet/api for testnet). If it is not specified, the plugin set the @Blockstream API by default in accord with the lightningd network conf.
  • --esplora-verbose=1: enable curl verbosity
  • --esplora-cainfo=<path>: set path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle (CA certificates extracted from Mozilla at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html)
  • --esplora-capath=<path>: specify directory holding CA certificates.
  • --esplora-disable-proxy: ignore the proxy conf from the lightnind node and use esplora without proxy, if this option is missed esplora use the same proxy of lightnind (if there is one).