
Primary LanguageRuby


In this lab we will add vaildation to product model.



###Step 1:

In console try to create product duplicate product like this :

rails-console>product=Product.create({title:'Apple',description:'Fresh Apple',price:5.0})

If it doesnot allow you to create product, use following to see validation errors


#Lab: Product model callbacks

We will update the model Product.rb as shown in solution

We will test by creating product in rails console like this:

product=Product.create({title:"banana-1",description:"Healthy Fruit"})

But it will create a product with capitalize title and price = 1.0 like this:

<Product id: 1003, title: "Banana-1", description: "Healthy Fruit", price: 1.0, created_at: "2019-10-22 16:29:46", updated_at: "2019-10-22 16:29:46">

#Product model custom methods

Where created a scope, similar to arrow functions in node which searches a word in title, example in rails console:


#CRUD: New and Create

$>rails g controller Products new create

Here g is the sugar syntax of generate. Note: Contoller should be always in plural form like: Products