
JSON-format reports of the Java API Tracker project

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

API Reports 4J

This is a repository with machine-readable JSON-format backward compatibility analysis reports for hundreds of Java libraries. The reports are generated by the Java Upstream Tracker project (https://github.com/lvc/upstream-tracker-4j).

Original detailed HTML-format reports are available here: https://abi-laboratory.pro/java/tracker/

The reports in this repository can be used or redistributed under the terms of the CC-BY-4.0 license.

The repository is AUTO updated weekly after each run of the Java Upstream Tracker.

Report Details

The version of the library can be considered incompatible if: BC!=100% or Removed!=0 or ArchivesRemoved!=0

If BC==100% then non-zero value of TotalProblems indicates minor compatibility warnings.

The list of report attributes:

Attr Value
Version Analyzed version of the library
From Reference version of the library
BC Avg. backward binary compatibility rate in percents
Added The number of added methods
Removed The number of removed methods
TotalProblems Total number of backward binary compatibility
problems (including warnings)
ArchivesAdded The number of added archives
ArchivesRemoved The number of removed archives
TotalArchives Total archives checked
Src_BC Avg. backward source compatibility rate in percents
Src_TotalProblems Total number of backward source compatibility
problems (including warnings)