
Getting Started

Install openapi-generator-typescript using yarn:

yarn add --dev @yuanfudao/openapi-generator-typescript

Then, create config file openapi-generator-typescript.jsonc.

  • JSONC is JSON with JavaScript style comments. Microsoft use it in all VSCode config files and tsconfig.json.
  • We only support OpenAPI Specification Version 3 (also called swagger v3)
  • The current implementation is not perfect, we only made adaptations for springdoc

Run yarn openapi-generator-typescript --update, 'api-docs/*.json|yaml' will be created.

  • You can also use node_modules/.bin/openapi-generator-typescript or just openapi-generator-typescript in npm-scripts.
  • If the swagger file on the server is updated, you can run it again to synchronize the update.
  • You can add doc names as params in --update. For example, openapi-generator-typescript --update LinkExample will only update api-docs/link-example.yaml from

Run yarn openapi-generator-typescript --generate, 'swagger/open-api-docs.ts' will be created.

  • We should track swagger json file in git and ignore generated ts file (swagger/open-api-docs.ts), add generated ts file path in git.
  • If you have any questions about the generated ts file, please send us an issue.

Next, copy the ./example/swagger/warp-http-client.ts file of this repo to your ./swagger/ directory. (warp-http-client.ts has not stabilized and may change implementation in the future. Therefore, this file is not automatically generated temporarily.)

Then use generated result. This file needs user maintenance. Here are a few examples:

Finally, you can add openapi-generator-typescript --generate before all needed npm-scripts such as test, build, serve and so on.


  • Support Multiple Response Http Status Code in warp-http-client.ts
  • Add docs for springdoc (demos for discriminated union and enum)
  • Add unit tests