
Ancient microbiome snakemake workflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Snakemake workflow: ancient-microbiome

Snakemake Tests


Snakemake workflow for identifying microbe sequences in ancient DNA samples. The workflow does:

  • adapter trimming of sequences
  • FastQC before and after trimming
  • taxonomic sequence classification with KrakenUniq
  • sequence alignment with Malt
  • sequence damage analysis with Mapdamage2
  • authentication of identified sequences


Clone the repo, create and edit the configuration files (see below) and run

cd /path/to/workdir
snakemake -s /path/to/repo/workflow/Snakefile -j 100 --profile .profile --use-envmodules


  • Nikolay Oskolkov (@LeandroRitter)
  • Claudio Mirabello (@clami66)
  • Per Unneberg (@percyfal)


The workflow requires a configuration file, by default residing in config/config.yaml relative to the working directory, that defines location of samplesheet, what samples and analyses to run, and location of databases. The configuration file is validated against a schema (workflow/schemas/config.schema.yaml) that can be consulted for more detailed information regarding configuration properties.

The samplesheet key points to a samplesheet file that consists of at minimum two columns, sample and fastq:

sample	fastq
foo     data/foo.fq.gz
bar     /path/to/data/bar.fq.gz

What samples to analyse can be constrained in the samples section through the include and exclude keys, so that a global samplesheet can be reused multiple times.

Analyses mapdamage, authentication, malt, and krona can be individually turned on and off in the analyses section.

Adapter sequence can be defined in the adapters configuration section. The keys config['adapters']['illumina'] (default true) and config['adapters']['nextera'] (default false) are switches that turn on/off adapter trimming of illumina (AGATCGGAAGAG) and nextera (AGATCGGAAGAG) adapter sequences. Addional custom adapter sequences can be set in the configuration key config['adapters']['custom'] which must be an array of strings.

Database locations are defined by the following keys:

krakenuniq_db: path to KrakenUniq database

bowtie2_patho_db: Full path to Bowtie2 pathogenome database

pathogenome_path: Path to Bowtie2 pathogenome database, excluding the database name

pathogenomesFound: List of pathogens to keep when filtering KrakenUniq output

malt_seqid2taxid_db: Sequence id to taxonomy mapping

malt_nt_fasta: Fasta library

malt_accession2taxid: Accession to taxonomy id mapping

A minimal configuration example is shown below:

samplesheet: resources/samples.tsv
    - foo
    - bar
    - foobar

  mapdamage: false
  authentication: false
  malt: false
  illumina: true
  nextera: false
  # custom is a list of adapter sequences
  custom: []

# Databases
krakenuniq_db: resources/KrakenUniq_DB
bowtie2_patho_db: resources/ref.fa
pathogenome_path: resources
pathogenomesFound: resources/pathogenomesFound.tab
malt_seqid2taxid_db: resources/KrakenUniq_DB/seqid2taxid.map
malt_nt_fasta: resources/ref.fa
malt_accession2taxid: resources/accession2taxid.map

Environment module configuration

If the workflow is run on a HPC with the --use-envmodules option (see using-environment-modules), the workflow will check for an additional configuration file that configures environment modules. By default, the file is config/envmodules.yaml, but a custom location can be set with the environment variable ANCIENT_MICROBIOME_ENVMODULES.

envmodules configurations are placed in a configuration section envmodules with key-value pairs that map a dependency set to a list of environment modules. The dependency sets are named after the rule's corresponding conda environment file, such that a dependency set may affect multiple rules. For instance, the following example shows how to define modules for rules depending on fastqc, as it would be implemented on the uppmax compute cluster:

    - bioinfo-tools
    - FastQC

See the configuration schema file (workflows/schema/config.schema.yaml) for more information.

Runtime configuration

Most individual rules define the number of threads to run. Although the number of threads for a given rule can be tweaked on the command line via the option --set-threads, it is advisable to put all runtime configurations in a profile. At its simplest, a profile is a directory (e.g. .profile in the working directory) containing a file config.yaml which consists of command line option settings. In addition to customizing threads, it enables the customization of resources, such as runtime and memory. An example is shown here:

# Rerun incomplete jobs
rerun-incomplete: true
# Restart jobs once on failure
restart-times: 1
# Set threads for mapping and fastqc
  - Bowtie2_Pathogenome_Alignment=10
  - FastQC_BeforeTrimming=5
# Set resources (runtime in minutes, memory in mb) for malt
  - Malt:runtime=7200
  - Malt:mem_mb=512000
# Set defalt resources that apply to all rules
  - runtime=120
  - mem_mb=16000
  - disk_mb=1000000

For more advanced profiles for different hpc systems, see Snakemake-Profiles github page.


If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this (original) repository and, if available, its DOI (see above).

Step 1: Obtain a copy of this workflow

  1. Create a new github repository using this workflow as a template.
  2. Clone the newly created repository to your local system, into the place where you want to perform the data analysis.

Step 2: Configure workflow

Configure the workflow according to your needs via editing the files in the config/ folder. Adjust config.yaml to configure the workflow execution, and samples.tsv to specify your sample setup.

Step 3: Install Snakemake

Install Snakemake using conda:

conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n snakemake snakemake

For installation details, see the instructions in the Snakemake documentation.

Step 4: Execute workflow

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate snakemake

Test your configuration by performing a dry-run via

snakemake --use-conda -n

Execute the workflow locally via

snakemake --use-conda --cores $N

using $N cores or run it in a cluster environment via

snakemake --use-conda --cluster qsub --jobs 100


snakemake --use-conda --drmaa --jobs 100

If you not only want to fix the software stack but also the underlying OS, use

snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity

in combination with any of the modes above. See the Snakemake documentation for further details.

Step 5: Investigate results

After successful execution, you can create a self-contained interactive HTML report with all results via:

snakemake --report report.html

This report can, e.g., be forwarded to your collaborators. An example (using some trivial test data) can be seen here.

Step 6: Commit changes

Whenever you change something, don't forget to commit the changes back to your github copy of the repository:

git commit -a
git push

Step 7: Obtain updates from upstream

Whenever you want to synchronize your workflow copy with new developments from upstream, do the following.

  1. Once, register the upstream repository in your local copy: git remote add -f upstream git@github.com:snakemake-workflows/ancient-microbiome-smk.git or git remote add -f upstream https://github.com/snakemake-workflows/ancient-microbiome-smk.git if you do not have setup ssh keys.
  2. Update the upstream version: git fetch upstream.
  3. Create a diff with the current version: git diff HEAD upstream/master workflow > upstream-changes.diff.
  4. Investigate the changes: vim upstream-changes.diff.
  5. Apply the modified diff via: git apply upstream-changes.diff.
  6. Carefully check whether you need to update the config files: git diff HEAD upstream/master config. If so, do it manually, and only where necessary, since you would otherwise likely overwrite your settings and samples.

Step 8: Contribute back

In case you have also changed or added steps, please consider contributing them back to the original repository:

  1. Fork the original repo to a personal or lab account.
  2. Clone the fork to your local system, to a different place than where you ran your analysis.
  3. Copy the modified files from your analysis to the clone of your fork, e.g., cp -r workflow path/to/fork. Make sure to not accidentally copy config file contents or sample sheets. Instead, manually update the example config files if necessary.
  4. Commit and push your changes to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request against the original repository.


Test cases are in the subfolder .test. They are automatically executed via continuous integration with Github Actions.