- 11
- 2
context storage
#65 opened by bryghtlabs-richard - 1
How to integrate in Platformio?
#67 opened by paaspaas00 - 0
corrupted escape characters
#66 opened by bryghtlabs-richard - 4
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 5
Bad plural key name 'few'
#58 opened by Spider84 - 3
Escape character "\" will be doubled.
#49 opened by bubeck - 2
- 19
- 2
- 4
extract will affect for comment _(xxx)
#33 opened by Hpbbs - 5
Unescaping broken
#50 opened by bubeck - 10
- 3
- 3
why i use npx lv_i18n -h installation is successful, but the lv_i18n command cannot be found,please help!
#41 opened by jianjunxia - 3
After reading your README, I don't know how to use LV_i18n. Can you describe it in more detail
#40 opened by jianjunxia - 1
string representation of locales
#39 opened by incity - 1
How does cldr generate YML file
#38 opened by ihuoxin - 1
"Output directory not exists" during compile
#35 opened by glory-man - 6
- 3
- 3
- 2
Multiple translation files issue
#25 opened by barbiani - 5
Change local
#22 opened by kisvegabor - 22
Release/Announce of lv_i18n?
#11 opened by puzrin - 4
Web transtators export/import
#6 opened by puzrin - 6
- 2
Autodetect default compiler locale
#18 opened by puzrin - 29
C public API
#2 opened by puzrin - 14
#15 opened by kisvegabor - 4
Subfodlers are not checked
#14 opened by kisvegabor - 4
Extract: No phrases to translate
#13 opened by kisvegabor - 3
Install issue
#12 opened by kisvegabor - 56
Generated C files format
#7 opened by puzrin - 5
floats support
#10 opened by puzrin - 2
Clarify utilities & globals name
#1 opened by puzrin - 11
- 21
package/repo name
#8 opened by puzrin - 5
Workflow summary
#9 opened by kisvegabor - 12
Text format for translations
#5 opened by puzrin