
video backup. a youtube-dl front end.

Primary LanguageHTML

youtube-dl front end

Or vackup (Video bACKUP).


An over-engineered solution to download movies from Youtube (and the other platforms supported by youtube-dl) directly to my raspberry-pi, because I found tiresome to ssh to it to download something when using my phone.


  • flask app, listening on port 5000
  • celery
  • redis
  • flower (to monitor tasks), listening on port 5555

how to run

Make sure you've modified docker-compose.yml to match your directory where you store your videos, then:

git clone https://github.com/lvm/vackup \
    && cd vackup \
    && docker-compose up --build -d

Yes, you need to have docker (18.09+) and docker-compose (1.24+).

now what

Once it's running, point your browser to http://you-raspi.local:5000/ and submit a video, it'll start downloading soon. The UI is really basic (front-end is not my thing) but you'll see these two status:

  • 🙆‍ if the task was created fine (with a link to it)
  • 🙅‍ if the task failed

something's not working...

  • you can check what's going on here with your tasks here: http://you-raspi.local:5555/
  • or you can look at the logs by ssh-ing to your raspi and run docker-compose logs -f $service

Note: $service represents one of the services listed in the docker-compose.yml file (flask, queue, monitor, redis)

