- Courses
- Best Package I found for many project
- Articles
- Tutorials
- Books
- YouTube videos
- Blog
- Freelance
- Business
- Pod-cast
- CodePen & Demo
- Vim
This is a place for me to keep tracked of what I did or what I want to do and some awesome tips from all the online resources have found. All this resources is about web development and some about computer science. My goal is to be a awesome Full-Stack Web Developer.
If you have some resources to shared please do. I'm eager to find new stuff and learn.
Computer Science + Algorithms
Database + Application Design
LearnCode.academy - What Makes JavaScript Weird ... and Awesome
Learning Data Structures in JavaScript from scratch - My Certificate
EggHead - Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript
Angular 1
Angular 2
- Udemy - MongooseJs Essentials - Learn MongoDB for Node.js - My Certificate
- Pluralsight - RESTful Web Services with Node.js and Express
- NodeJS : Qu'est ce que NodeJS ? [French]
- CodeSchool - Soup To Bits Node
- Learn Web Scraping with Node.js - My Certificate
- Build an Amazon clone: Nodejs + MongoDB + Stripe Payment
- ExpressJS Fundamentals - My Certificate
- Build a Real Time web app in node.js , Angular.js, mongoDB
- Learn and Understand NodeJS
- Egghead - Getting Started with Redux
- Egghead - Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux
- Egghead - React-Motion: Animate Multiple Elements with a Single Spring
- Pluralsight - React-Redux-ES6
- TheNewBoston - React JS / Redux Tutorials
- Wes Bos - Learn Redux
- Stephen Grider - Modern React with Redux
- Stephen Grider - Advanced React and Redux
- TutsPlus - Modern Web Apps With React and Redux
Web Design + HTML/CSS
Programming Stuff
Computer Science + Algorithms
Database + Application Design
- Why You Should Never Use MongoDB
- 6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design: Part 1
- 6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design: Part 2
- 6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design: Part 3
- Back to Basics - Thinking in Documents
- Mongoose 4.5 Virtual Populate
- mongoose: Referencing schema in properties or arrays
- The MongoDB Node.js Driver's New Streaming GridFS API
- The MEAN Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js
- Mongoose Population
- MongoDB Joins with MongooseJS
- Object Modeling in Node.js with Mongoose
- Simple login using Mongoose / MongoDB
- Querying Firebase through MongoDB
- Mongoose CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Mongoose v3 part 1 :: Versioning
- Mongoosastic: The Power of MongoDB & Elasticsearch Together
- Mongoose models and unit tests: The definitive guide
Email Design
- How We Replaced React with Phoenix
- Learn X in Y minutes
- Elixir blog in 15 minutes using Phoenix framework - Step by Step
- Phoenix v1.1.2 and React.js
- Elixir obsoletes Ruby, Erlang and Clojure in one go
- Elixir broke my imperative mind
- Moving Beyond Ruby
- How Discord handles push request bursts of over a million per minute with Elixir’s GenStage
- How Elixir helped us scale our Video User Profile Service for the Olympics
- A tender introduction to Elixir recursion
- Recursion in Elixir
Functional programming in Javascript: map, filter and reduce
Using TypeScript's Type Definition Files to Get Tooling Support for Plain JavaScript
Replacing switch statements with Object literals [Must Read]
Javascript Array Methods: Unshift(), Shift(), Push(), And Pop()
Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture
Example of a Javascript Closure: setTimeout Inside a For Loop
Why Learn Functional Programming in JavaScript? (Composing Software)
Better JavaScript with ES6, Pt. II: A Deep Dive into Classes
Google Cloud (GCP)
- Scotch.io Keeping API Routing Clean Using Express Routers
- Scotch.io Build a RESTful API Using Node and Express 4
- Creating and persisting a Login session[Good One]
- ES6 Class based Express routing
- Easy HTTP/2 Server with Node.js and Express.js
- How to Create Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB CRUD Web Application
- Next.Js Is it the next big thing in JavaScript?
- Getting Started with Next.js —Setting Up Your App
- Getting Started with Next.js — Bringing Data In
- Build a Universal JavaScript App with Next.js
- React Universal with Next.js: Server-side React
- Next.js is not what you may think it is
- What’s Next.js for Apollo
- Build User Authentication with Node.js, Express, Passport, and Orchestrate
- Authenticate a Node.js API with JSON Web Tokens
- NodeJS + ExpressJS Tutorials
- How to write a web scraper in Node.js
- Scraping the Web With Node.js
- How to make a web crawler in JavaScript / Node.js
- Simple web scraping with Node.js / JavaScript
- How to send server email with Node.js - sendgrid, mandrill, mailgun, etc.
- Responsive HTML Email with Node.js - Send Rich, Responsive HTML Emails Using Ink, Yeoman & Express
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Authentication in Node.js
- How To Implement Password Reset In Node.js
- MongoDB CRUD the MVC way with Passport Authentication
- RESTful Example using ExpressJS + Node.js + MongooseJS
- Route Middleware to Check if a User is Authenticated in Node.js
- Understanding the Node.js Event Loop
- No API? No Problem! Rapid Development via Mock APIs
- NodeJS Tutorial Playlist
- Nodejs Microservices. From Zero to Hero. Pt1 (Motivation)
- Creating Role Based Authentication with Passport in Ionic 2 – Part 1
- Making the Quantum Leap from Node.js to Microservices
- How To Develop A Chat Bot With Node.js
- Refactoring a Basic, Authenticated API with Node, Express, and Mongo
- Create an SMS bot on AWS Lambda with Claudia.js
- 13 best practices to secure your web application
- Scotch Media Mongoose Testing
- Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai
- Tutorial: Creating and managing a Node.js server on AWS, part 1
- Tutorial: Creating and managing a Node.js server on AWS, part 2
- Creating a simple nodejs API on AWS (including nginx)
- Node, Express, ReactJS, AWS – a case study in architecture
- 9 Fantastic Utilities for the Node.js Developer
- Google API authorization in Node.js
- Creating a microservice in NodeJs
- Express, Passport and JSON Web Token (jwt) Authentication for Beginners
- Node, Express, Mongoose and Passport.js REST API Authentication
- Setting up a Node.js Cluster
- Testing
- Unit Testing and TDD in Node.js – Part 1
- A guide to mocha's describe(), it() and setup hooks
- Testing in ES6 with Mocha and Babel 6
- Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai
- A TDD Approach to Building a Todo API Using Node.js and MongoDB
- Getting Started with Node.js and Mocha
- How to correctly unit test Express server
- The Complete Guide to ES6 with Babel 6
- CI Code Coverage + Tests in 5 Minutes!
- How to test your MongoDB models under Node & Express
- How To Test Your Express Controllers
- React ES6 class constructor super() [Must Read]
- Common React.js mistakes: Unneeded state [Must Read]
- React Lifecycle methods diagram
- How to get "create-react-app" to work with your API
- AJAX Requests in React: How and Where to Fetch Data
- Presentational and Container Components
- Building app with React and Redux
- Why The Hipsters Recompose Everything
- How to Create a React.js Support Ticketing System Using MongoDB
- How to Implement Node + React Isomorphic JavaScript & Why it Matters
- Leveling Up With React: React Router
- Server-Side Rendering with Redux and React-Router
- How To Scale React Applications
- Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express
- React.js : server side rendering
- Testing React Components with Enzyme and Mocha
- Controlled and uncontrolled form inputs in React don't have to be complicated
- Killing CORS Preflight Requests on a React SPA
- How to handle state in React. The missing FAQ.
- Creating a Single-Page App in React using React Router
- From ReactJS to React-Native, what are the main differences between both?
- How to Build a Todo App Using React, Redux, and Immutable.js
- Async Await with React Lifecycle methods
- Collecting data from a wizard form
- Using a function in
instead of an object - Testing a React-Redux app using Jest and Enzyme
- Migrating to Jest
- Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
- React Interview Questions
- JavaScript Unit Test Automation: React Components
- Testing React with Enzyme is Awesome
- Getting Started with TDD in React
- Jest 14.0: React Tree Snapshot Testing
- Jest 15.0: New Defaults for Jest
- Styled-Components: Enforcing Best Practices In Component-Based Systems
- ReactJS and ES7+
- React with Recompose with Redux
- Why The Hipsters Recompose Everything
- Add routing to React apps using React Router v4
- Reusable State with Higher Order Components
- Scalable React and React Native Apps
- The SoundCloud Client in React + Redux
- Confused! Redux or MobX?
- Getting Started with Redux: An Intro
- Making sense of Redux
- Simplifiez-vous la création d'application Javascript avec Redux[French]
- ReactJS Redux, the Right Way
- Join The Dark Side Of The Flux: Responding to Actions with Actors
- Understanding Redux Middleware
- You Might Not Need Redux
- If not Redux then what?
- Learn React & Redux With Cabin
- Notifications with React and Redux
- Redux anti-pattern: dumb mapStateToProps
- How to structure real world Redux/React application
- Understanding Redux (or, How I Fell in Love with a JavaScript State Container)
- Getting Started With React Redux: An Intro
- The Anatomy Of A React Redux App
- Understanding Redux (or, How I Fell in Love with a JavaScript State Container)
- Redux without React — State Management in Vanilla JavaScript
- Full-Stack Redux Tutorial
- Tips For a Better Redux Architecture: Lessons for Enterprise Scale
- Things I wish I knew about Redux
- Handling Transactional Emails In React Redux Apps
- Why Redux Need Reducers To Be “Pure Functions”
- Normalizing Redux stores for maximum code reuse.
- Two Weird Tricks with Redux
- Firebase with Redux
- Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens
- Some Thoughts On Testing React/Redux Applications
- Rapid tips for your React-Redux application
- Dissecting Twitter’s Redux Store
- Normalizing State Shape
- Differential's Blog - Easily Connect React Native to a Meteor Server
- Adding Custom Fonts to A React Native Application for IOS
- React Native Navigator — Navigating Like A Pro in React Native
- React Native Layout System
- Aligning Children using Flexbox in React Native
- Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native
- Tutorial: A Detailed Look at React Native for JavaScript Developers
- Building a Simple ToDo App With React Native and Firebase
- The beginners guide to React Native and Firebase
- Authentication in React Native with Firebase
- How to build a hybrid mobile app using Yarn, React Native, MobX and Firebase, 0 to 100 (Real Quick).
- Building Offline First React Native Apps
- Linking Animations to Scroll Position in React Native
- React Native Tips and Tricks: Styling in JS
- Tips for React Native Images (or saying goodbye to trial and error)
- React Native and D3JS
- I made React Native fast, you can too
- 11 mistakes I’ve made during React Native / Redux app development
- Mobile Authentication with React Native and JSON Web Tokens
- Protecting API Endpoints
- Up & Running with React Native + Visual Studio Mobile Center
- VueJS 2[French]
- Why GraphQL is the future
- GraphQL Concepts Visualized
- How do I GraphQL?
- Apollo Server 0.2: GraphQL with Express, Connect, hapi or Koa
- GraphQL and MongoDB — a quick example
- Give it a REST: use GraphQL for your APIs
- GraphQL vs REST: Overview
- GraphQL vs REST: Caching
- A guide to authentication in GraphQL
- Auth in GraphQL — Part 2
Web Design + HTML/CSS
- How to Create Dynamic Compositions
- HTML5Rocks - High Performance Animations
- 8 Entrepreneurs Give Tips for Building a Beautiful Company Website
- CSS round buttons
- Exploring ways to export clean .svg icons with Sketch…the correct way
- Mastering CSS Coding: Getting Started
- Devtips - Design & Code a Mobile First Landing Page!
- Devtips - Zurb Foundation Grid
- A Look Into: Using CSS Variables
- The most promising design tools you should try in 2017
- A Step-by-step Guide to UI Animation with Principle and Sketch
- Build Complex Layouts with CSS Grid Layout
- A shorthand for designing UI flows
- [x]‘Why BEM?’ in a nutshell
Programming stuff
- 7 Good Developer Habits I Wish I’d Adopted Sooner
- A Quick Understanding of REST
- Is Model-View-Controller dead on the front end?
- How to Land Your First Development Job in 5 Simple Steps
- Tips for Creating a First-Class Personal Portfolio
- How to be great at asking coding questions
- The code I’m still ashamed of
- Leaky abstractions
- Make Millions Using API's
- Create a TinyURL System
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) vs Sessions
- JSON Web Tokens: Artsy's Journey
- Refresh Tokens: When to Use Them and How They Interact with JWTs
- 5 Steps to Add Modern Authentication to Legacy Apps Using JWTs
- Where to Store your JWTs – Cookies vs HTML5 Web Storage
- 10 Things You Should Know about Tokens
- Stop using JWT for sessions
- Cookies vs Tokens. Getting auth right with Angular.JS
- Token-based Authentication with Socket.IO
- Use JWT The Right Way!
- Token Authentication: The Secret to Scalable User Management
- Top 20 Developer Tools of 2016
- Innovating with HTTP 2.0 Server Push
- Back-End as a Service for Mobile Apps
- Modern Web Development
- Five advantages of serverless architecture for every app
- An Introduction to OAuth 2
Computer Science + Algorithms + History
Database + Application Design
Freelance + Business + Jobs + Other Stuff
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke
Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript by David Herman
Single Page Web Applications: JavaScript end-to-end by Michael Mikowski
Meteor JS
Node JS
- Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps by Azat Mardan
- Node.js by Example by Krasimir Tsonev
- Express in Action by Evan M.Hahn
- Full-Stack JavaScript Development: Develop, Test and Deploy with MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node on AWS
- Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales
- Node Hero - Node.js Project Structure Tutorial
- Advanced Node.js Project Structure Tutorial
Ruby by Example: Using Ruby to Solve Difficult Problems by Kevin C. Baird
Ruby On Rails
- Agile Web Development with Rails 4 by Sam Ruby & Dave Thomas & David Heinemeier Hansson
- Rails Solutions: Ruby on Rails Made Easy by Justin Williams
- Ruby on Rails Enterprise Application Development: Plan, Program, Extend by Elliot Smith & Rob Nichols
- Ruby on Rails 5.0 for Autodidacts: Learn Ruby 2.3 and Rails 5.0 by Stefan Wintermeyer
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails (3rd Edition) by Michael Hart
- Learn Enough Action Cable to Be Dangerous by Michael Hart
Web Design + HTML/CSS
UI/UX Design Prototype & Animations
Computer Science + Algorithms + History
- Introduction to Elixir & Phoenix
- Phoenix Framework for the new web by José Valim
- RailsConf 2016 - ActiveRecord vs. Ecto: A Tale of Two ORMs by Brad Urani
- RailsConf 2016 - Rails to Phoenix by Brian Cardarella
- Building a chat with React Native and Elixir Phoenix
- Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web
- PolyConf 15: Phoenix a web framework for the new web
- Elixir & Phoenix – fast, concurrent and explicit
- Rails vers Phoenix: Retour d'expérience sur une rewrite d'application SaaS [French]
- Phoenix Presence: Le service temps réel de Phoenix [French]
- Processing 2.7 million images with Elixir (vs Ruby)
- Getting Started with the Phoenix Framework
- Authentication in Phoenix/Elixir app with Ueberauth and Guardian
- Using The Phoenix Framework With Ember.js
- How to setup Authentication / Authorization in a Phoenix application - Registration 1 / 4
- Phoenix asset handling with brunch
- Phoenix Takes Flight
- Phoenix 1.2 and Beyond
- Elixir + Phoenix : Building a simple chatroom
- Phoenix Beyond the Browser - Realtime Applications
- Getting Started with Phoenix
- Using Ecto Associations in Phoenix
- Learn the Phoenix Framework Create a Blog App Part 1
- Learn the Phoenix Framework Deploy using Heroku - Part 2
- iOS Swift 3 Beginner Tutorial: Protocols & Delegates - Passing Data using the Delegate Method
- Swift 3 Fun Algorithms: Filter, Map, Reduce Higher Order Functions
- How To Make A Music Player In Xcode 8 (Swift 3.0) - Part 1
- iOS10 & Swift 3 Programming - Classes And Objects
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Swift Part 1
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Swift Part 2
- Introduction to AWS Lambda
- Get started with AWS Lambda
- Introduction to AWS Glue – Fully Managed ETL Service on AWS
- Lambda Day - Building with the Serverless Framework
- Getting Started with the Serverless Framework – V.1 Beta 1
- Getting started with Serverless, Lambda (nodejs), API Gateway, DynamoDB
- Building Scalable Web Applications Using Microservices Architecture and NodeJS inside AWS Lambda
- Deploying your first Lambda Function with Serverless
- Attaching an HTTP Endpoint to a Lambda Function with Serverless
- Defining the DynamoDB Resource - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Adding the POST create Endpoint - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Adding the GET list Endpoint - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Adding the GET list Endpoint to Retrieve a Particular ToDo Item - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Adding the PUT update Endpoint - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Adding the DELETE Endpoint - Building a Rest API using DynamoDB
- Serverless Architecture on AWS utilizing DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway & S3
- API Gateway With Lambda Function Example
- ECS (EC2 Container Service) Tutorial
- Using Lambda Functions With NodeJS
- Building Scalable Web Applications Using Microservices Architecture and NodeJS inside AWS Lambda
- Serverless GraphQL Blog - Walkthrough
- Aws Lambda Tutorial: Lambda + Serverless = HAPPY
- Running Microservices and Docker on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploying onto AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Deploy Web Applications on AWS
- Technical Introduction to AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Deploy Web Applications on AWS
- Serverless for Developers: Tips for Your Next App
- Introduction to Amazon Cognito - User Authentication and Mobile Data Service on AWS
- Getting Started with Your User Pools in Amazon Cognito
- 5 Minutes to Amazon Cognito: Federated Identity and Mobile App Demo
- Leslie Passante: Building Better Lambda Apps With Serverless
- Rob & Erik: What we’ve learned in eighteen serverless months at Nordstrom
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Google Cloud Functions and Firebase (Google Cloud Next '17)
- Serverless Microservices with Google Cloud Functions
- Getting Started with Cloud Functions for Firebase
- Firebase and Google Cloud Functions: Serverless Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Writing a Realtime Database Trigger with Cloud Functions for Firebase
- Building serverless applications with Google Cloud Functions
- Serverless computing options with Google Cloud Platform
- How to Build Robust Mobile Applications for the Distributed Cloud (Google I/O '17)
- Build Modern Apps with Firebase and Google Cloud Platform (Google I/O '17)
Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf 2016
How to Use Javascript Promises [Must Watch]
Add and Remove Items in Arrays using Filter, Reject and Partition in Ramda
JavaScript spread operator and rest parameters tutorial ES6 / ES2015
JavaScript30 - Playing with CSS Variables and JS [Must Watch]
JavaScript30 - Array Cardio Day 1 [Must Watch]
JavaScript30 - Flex Panels Image Gallery [Must Watch]
JavaScript30 - Ajax Type Ahead [Must Watch]
JavaScript30 - Custom HTML5 Video Player [Must Watch]
JavaScript30 - Slide In on Scroll [Must Watch]
Mike North talks Async and Await in ES7 Javascript at Modern Web UI
The Easiest Guide to Understanding Async and Await in JavaScript
Javascript : TP : Système d'onglets [French]
Javascript : TP : Menu collant [French]
Javascript : TP : Système de spoiler [French]
Javascript : Les évènements [French]
Javascript : Try Catch [French]
Sara Raasch: Javascript Testing - Unit tests, TDD, BDD, IDK.
JavaScript object creation patterns tutorial - factory , constructor pattern, prototype pattern
Angular 2
- Serverless GraphQL Blog - Walkthrough
- Build a GraphQL server for Node.js, using PostgreSQL/MySQL
- Setting up a GraphQL backend in 5 minutes
- Apollo Stack Overview - GraphQL Tutorial
- Zero to GraphQL in 30 Minutes
- From REST to GraphQL
- Using GraphQL with Apollo
- GraphQL setup with Feathersjs
- Graphql getting started with nodejs
- Lessons from 4 Years of GraphQL
- Navigating Your Transition to GraphQL
- Managing GraphQL Development At Scale - Nick Nance
- GraphQL Schema Design: Tips and tricks from the battlefield
- GraphQL at Shopify
- High Performance GraphQL
- GraphQL Devtools: Easier Developing for Happier Product Devs
- Nikhila Ravi: Serverless GraphQL
- Realtime React Apps with GraphQL
- Apollo at Expo: GraphQL Helps Small Teams Move Fast - Adam Miskiewicz
- Authentication and Error Handling in GraphQL - Andrew Rhyne
- GraphQL server tutorial for Node.js with SQL, MongoDB and REST
What is Node.js Exactly? - a beginners introduction to Nodejs
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Authentication in Node.js
RESTful API From Scratch Using Node, Express and MongoDB [Good One]
Node.js tutorial for beginners 2014 - an introduction to Node.js with Express.js
Building a SaaS - Part 2: Setting Up a Passport with JWT Authentication (Node/Express)
Node.js Tutorial for Beginners 12 - Basics of Streams - Writable Streams
NodeJS : Express [French]
Build a Reddit API Clone with Node.js, Express and MongoDB - Part 1
Build a Reddit API Clone with Node.js, Express and MongoDB - Part 2
Socket.io - Websocket
- LevelUpTuts - Meteor & React For Everyone
- React events in depth w/ Kent C. Dodds, Ben Alpert, & Dan Abramov
- Rally Coding - Integration with Third Party Libraries
- Rally Coding - BrowserHistory in Production
- Rally Coding - Animation of React Components
- Getting Started with React and Firebase - Firecasts
- Getting Started with React and Firebase, Part 2 - Firecasts
- React.js Conf 2016 - Rich Text Editing with React
- Start Reacting: Component Lifecycle Methods
- Recomposing your React application
- Building Static Sites with React
- Component Based Style Reuse
- Form Validation made simple with React
- How to push a ReactJS application in production and sleep better
- Server-side rendering with React.js
- Building a universal/isomorphic web app with React.js
- Passing props in a universal React web app
- Server-side routing with react-router
- Client-side routing with react-router (Part 1)
- Client-side routing with react-router (Part 2)
- Reactjs - Speed up Server Side Rendering [Good One]
- Why, What, and How of React Fiber with Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark
- Using AirBnb's Enzyme to Test React Components
- More Assertions With Enzyme - Testing React Components
- JavaScript & React Testing with Jest
- React.js Conf 2016 - Lightning Talks
- Testing async functions in React using Sinon.JS
- Render Basic SVG Components in React
- Lin Clark - A Cartoon Guide to the Wilds of Data Handling
- Next.js: Universal React Made Easy and Simple - React Conf 2017
- React Performance End to End (React Fiber) - Keynote Part 3 - React Conf 2017
- ⚡️ AWS Lambda + AWS Gateway + React = AWEsome - React Conf 2017
- Moving Fast with Nuclide and Flow - React Conf 2017
- Jest Snapshots and Beyond - React Conf 2017
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing!
- Rally Coding - The Best Way to Store Data
- Rally Coding - A Better Way to Load Data
- Rally Coding - Basics of Redux Thunk
- Rally Coding - React/Redux Logicless Components with Reselect
- Rally Coding - Dynamic Forms with Redux Form
- Rally Coding - Modals in React and Redux Apps
- Rally Coding - Combining Redux and Firebase
- Rally Coding - Four Most Common Errors with React/Redux
- React State Management with Redux webinar with @Srijan Technologies]
- Creating Forms with React and Redux
- React & Redux - Freestyle Coding
- Redux: Persisting the State to the Local Storage [Must Watch]
- Reducing Redux Boilerplate
- Basic redux-form
- Erik Rasmussen | Abstracting Form State with Redux Form
- MobX vs Redux: Comparing the Opposing Paradigms - React Conf 2017
- How To Implement A Tab Bar With React Native
- David Mosher - Introduction to React Native
- React Native search from navigation bar
- Managing UIKit Navigation with React Native NavigatorIOS
- React Native For Beginners – The Next Big Thing?
- Coding in React Native, JumpShot3, Night 2 | Connecting Redux
- Getting Started with React Native and Redux
- Introduction to React Native
- David Mosher - Introduction to React Native
- Introduction to React Native - Building a React Native app from scratch
- A Quick React Native Demo with OpenGL
- React Native: Debugging on an iOS Device
- Building li.st for Android with Exponent and React Native at react-europe 2016
- A Detailed Look at React Native for JavaScript Developers
- Build a React Native chat app in 30 minutes
- React Native Flex Basics
- React Native Practical Flex Layout
- React Native Styling With Props
- React Native Scaling Local Images
- React Native Styling and Basic Routing
- React Native Basic Routing Connection
- React Native Flex Layout and minHeight
- Create a Custom Map Marker with React Native Maps
- Create a Button Shake Animation in React Native
- Use Flex to Scale React Native Background Image
- Building a Fully-Fledged Media Player in React Native
- Build a lunch spot recommendation app with React Native
- Getting Started with React Navigation
- ⚡️ Create React Native App: 5 min. to "Hello, World!" - React Conf 2017
- Build a chat app with Firebase, Redux, and React Native
- Tal Kol - Beyond Animations User Interactions @ 60 FPS in React Native - React Conf 2017
Database + Application Design
- Zero to App: Develop with Firebase - Google I/O 2016
- Getting Started with Firebase on the Web - Firecasts
- Getting Started with Firebase Storage on the Web - Firecasts
- Getting started with Firebase Auth on the Web - Firecasts
- Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web, Part 1 - Firecasts
- Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web, Part 2 - Firecasts
- Getting Started with React and Firebase - Firecasts
- Getting Started with React and Firebase, Part 2 - Firecasts
- SQL Databases and the Firebase Database
- Converting SQL structures to Firebase structures
- Firebase Database Querying 101
- Common SQL Queries converted for the Firebase Database
- Joins in the Firebase Database
- Denormalization is normal with the Firebase Database
- Cloud Functions for Firebase
- Firebase Data Modeling + User Management
- Recipes for App Development with Firebase
- Firebase Overview
- Getting Started with Firebase Anonymous Authentication on the Web
HTML5 Game
Web Design + HTML/CSS
DevTips - CSS Animation & Keyframes (CSS Animations Series Part 2)
DevTips - Animating the Moments — Using Animation in UX (CSS Animations Series Part 3)
How to design a jobs board site with Photoshop CC (Week 5 of 12)
How to code the front-end of a jobs board site (Week 6 of 12)
Design + Code — Hour 7.2: Mentoring Javascript
UI/UX Design Prototype & Animations
- Shopping Card Screen Transition • UI/UX Animations with Principle & Sketch (Tutorial)
- Login UI Design Timelapse (Sky App)
- Designing with Layout Grids on Sketch 3
- Smart Resizing (Responsive Design) • Sketchapp Tutorial / Sketch 3 Tutorial
- 10 Quick Tips for Sketch 3
- Prototyping a refresh animation with Flinto and Sketch 3
- Icons Animations Using Flinto
- Book App - Screen Transition Tutorial with Principle
- Tutoriel Divers : Affinity Designer [French]
Programming stuff
- DevTips - How Do You Learn Something Totally New?
- DevTips - Where Do You Host Your Websites?
- What Makes a Great Front-end Developer
- Stay hungry...Stay foolish. Amazing Steve Jobs Speech at Stanford
- Why use a static site generator - Jekyll Casts
- Functional Programming; What? Why? When?
- WTF Are APIs?!
- The Ultimate Introduction to Web Scraping and Browser Automation
- How to Develop Anything
- Sessions & Cookies
- What I learned from reading the Redux source code
- I Designed, Coded & Launched A Web App in 24 Hours
- Why the founder of Rails rejects 80% of Software Engineer applicants
- What I would learn in 2017 | Web Development
- YouTube, Coding and Job Interviews: Ft. Eric Hanchet
- Microservices Architecture
- Containers and Microservices: New Ways to Deploy and Manage Applications at Scale
- Web Development Guide In 2017
- Five Channels Every Developer Should Watch in 2017
- Unit tests vs. Integration tests
- The BEST way to do mocking
- Unit testing: How to get your team started
- Writing unit tests for personal projects?
- Silly side projects - FunFunFunction
- Nginx Tutorial - Proxy to Express Application, Load Balancer, Static Cache Files
- Learn Docker in 12 Minutes
- Use git add --patch for better commit history and mitigating bugshttps://egghead.io/lessons/tools-use-git-add-patch-for-better-commit-history-and-mitigating-bugs
- Life as a Freelance Developer and Digital Nomad
- Microservices at Netflix: Teams and services are tightly aligned and loosely coupled
- Minimum Desirable Product
- 3 Ways to Validate Your App Idea and Launch Quickly
- How to use a Landing Page to validate your Startup idea
- Coming up with Startup Ideas
- Personal Branding: How to Get More Followers in Social Media
- How to Become More Confident and Overcome Imposter Syndrome
- Building Your Personal Brand: What if You Had to Build Your Personal Brand From Scratch?
- Personal Branding: How to Be Consistent
Web Design + HTML/CSS
Database and Application Design
- Mongoose - What does the exec function do?
- How to sort a populated document in find request?
- Comparing mongoose _id and strings
- How to protect the password field in Mongoose/MongoDB so it won't return in a query when I populate collections?
- Populate nested array in mongoose
- Mongoose 'static' methods vs. 'instance' methods
How do I update each dependency in package.json to the latest version?
How to get an array of unique values from an array containing duplicates in JavaScript?
How to delete a localStorage item when the browser window/tab is closed?
Javascript closures and side effects in plain English? (separately)
- The Most Successful Techniques for Rising Early
- You Will Regret These Choices in 10 Years
- How we effectively use Trello for project management
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