
Rate limiter for Express/Connect.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Circle CI


Quick, pluggable token-bucket rate limiter middleware for Express and Connect.


Install from NPM:

npm install epsilon-delta


Sample express app that uses epsilon-delta without redis (don't try this on production, kids!):

var epsilonDelta = require('epsilon-delta'),
  express = require('express');

var app = express();

var limiter = epsilonDelta({
  userKey: 'connection.remoteAddress', // identify users by IP
  capacity: 100, // 100 requests
  expire: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 1, // 1 hour
  limitResponse: {
    message: "Sorry! You're all out for now."

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.status(200).send('Hello world!');



When creating a limiter, the following configurations are available:


The node-redis client to be used. If you don't provide one, epsilon-delta will use a rudimentary in-memory store.


The key used to identify individual users. By default this is the string connection.remoteAddress, the user's IP address.

You can also supply a function that takes a request parameter. If you do, epsilon-delta will call that function, passing in the request object, and use the return value as the user key.


The maximum number of requests in a user's bucket. By default, this is 200.


The time in milliseconds, starting from the user's first request, before the user's token bucket is refilled. By default this is 3600000, or 1 hour.


The response body sent when the limit has been reached by the requesting user. This field can be either a string or an object, in which case it will be serialized to JSON.


A callback that will be called (with the request and response objects) when the limit has been reached by the requesting user. Note that if the callback sends a response, limitResponse won't be sent.


The name of the header that will contain the rate limit. Defaults to X-Rate-Limit-Limit.


The name of the header that will contain the remaining request quota. Defaults to X-Rate-Limit-Remaining.


The name of the header that will contain the time left, in milliseconds, until the rate limiter resets. Defaults to X-Rate-Limit-Reset.


A flag that determines if epsilon-delta should perform its own rate limiting responses. Defaults to true.

All configuration fields are optional.

Using the Limiter

The limiter returns a middleware function compatible with Express and Connect. In addition, the following methods are provided for a given limiter:

limiter.updateUser(userKey, callback)

Gets information regarding the limiter for the given userKey, passing it to callback.

limiter.rate(userKey, callback)

Determines whether the user can still make requests, passing it to callback. false means that the limit has been reached.

limiter.manualSet(userKey[, capacity, expire])

Sets the limiter numbers for the given userKey so that its bucket has the given capacity and it refills at expire.

limiter.manualSet(userKey, data)

Sets the limiter numbers for the given userKey according to data. data can contain capacity, a number representing the size of a bucket, and expire, a number representing the interval before the bucket is refilled.