1.Partial Scripts to process sequence clusters from 16000 microbial genomes to find orthologous protein clusters, using the most representative sequence per cluster 2. Find fold distribution across protein hits from SCOP and ASTRAL 3. Fnd most significant structural hits and perform structure alignment 4. Eliminate LGT in sequence clusters and realign phylogenetic tree for each of the pruned set of sequence clusters (pruned on basis of number of sequences, most representative seuqence not being an LGT, age in reference phylogenetic tree) 5. Correlate gaps in seuqence alignment with gaps in sequence-represenation of structure alignment to test hypothesis that indels cause fold evolution.

Primary LanguagePerl


1.Partial Scripts to process sequence clusters from 16000 microbial genomes to find orthologous protein clusters, using the most representative sequence per cluster 2. Find fold distribution across protein hits from SCOP and ASTRAL 3. Fnd most significant structural hits and perform structure alignment 4. Eliminate LGT in sequence clusters and realign phylogenetic tree for each of the pruned set of sequence clusters (pruned on basis of number of sequences, most representative seuqence not being an LGT, age in reference phylogenetic tree) 5. Correlate gaps in seuqence alignment with gaps in sequence-represenation of structure alignment to test hypothesis that indels cause fold evolution.