
restriction enzyme cleavage site identifier using kmp algorithm and REBASE

Primary LanguageC++

Author: Lalitha Viswanathan
Affiliation: Tata Consultancy Services 
rebase.pl converts REBASE.TXT into rebaseparsed.txt
rebase.cpp is main .cpp file
kmp is file for exact pattern matching
kmp.cpp also contains code done for [patetrn searching with mismatches (rules
of grammr)
rulesofgrammar.txt contains rules of grammar (pattern searching with
results of finding recleavage site are in resultsREcleavagesite.txt
REBASE at times gives enzyme as (x/y) enxyme pattern (w/z)
it means at x postions upstream on fwd strand and w posns dwnstream on fwd
strand at y posns upstream on rev strand and z posns dwnstraem on rev strand
sometimes a ^ is found in the pattern as shown aa^aa 
it cuts at ^ posn  
sometimes none of the above is there
in such a case am showing the location at which the pattern is found as , the
posn of cutting