This projects wants to supports other projects with profiles, to use the same code on different environsments just be setting a PROFILE environment varibale. Inspired by java spring profiles. This makes it easier to set up the service without define several environment variables on every system.
cd $GOPATH/src/myapp/
go build
time="2017-09-25T13:13:17+02:00" level=info msg="ProfileService: env variable PROFILE not set - application started with default profile"
export PROFILE=dev
time="2017-09-25T13:13:17+02:00" level=info msg="ProfileService: started with profile" profile=dev
The application profile files needs to be named like application-<PROFILE-NAME>.yml. The default profile file application.yml will be used if the environment variable is not set.
name: development
port: 8081
context: /context
name: default-application
Checkout this project with
go get
import (
profile ""
var name string
func init() {
configName := profile.GetConfigValue("")
if len(configName) > 0 {
name = configName
func main() {