
Primary LanguagePython

Galxe AIO

  • Link Twitter account
  • Link email: IMAP or mail3.me
  • Link Discord
  • Complete requirements
  • Complete tasks
  • Claim rewards
  • Quiz solver
  • Submit survey
  • Referral links
  • Accounts statistics

Supported tasks:

  • Twitter: Follow, Retweet, Like, Quote
  • Visit link
  • Watch YouTube
  • Solve quiz
  • Survey
  • Follow Galxe space
  • Tries to verify all the others

Supported rewards:

  • Points
  • Mystery Boxes
  • Gas-less OATs
  • Gas OATs and NFTs


  • files/evm_wallets.txt - Wallets with EVM private keys
  • files/proxies.txt - Corresponding proxies for wallets
  • files/twitters.txt - Corresponding twitters for wallets
  • files/emails.txt - Corresponding emails for wallets
  • files/discords.txt - Corresponding discords for wallets. Can be empty if not needed
  • config.toml - Custom settings


  • FAKE_TWITTER - Verify Twitter tasks without real Twitter actions
  • GALXE_CAMPAIGN_IDS - Campaigns to complete, parent campaigns are supported
  • HIDE_UNSUPPORTED - Don't log unsuccessful completing of unsupported tasks


Python version: 3.11

Installing virtual env:
python3 -m venv venv


  • Mac/Linux - source venv/bin/activate
  • Windows - .\venv\Scripts\activate

Installing all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
playwright install

Run main script:
python main.py

Run twitter checker:
python checker.py


results/ - Folder with results of run
logs/ - Folder with logs of run
storage/ - Local database

Donate :)

TRC-20 - TX7yeJVHwhNsNy4ksF1pFRFnunF1aFRmet
ERC-20 - 0x5aa3c82045f944f5afa477d3a1d0be3c96196319