1. Overview This is RTF to HTML converter version 0.1.0. Copyright (C) 2003 Valentin Lavrinenko, vlavrinenko@users.sourceforge.net Its primary purpose is using by developers to add rtf to html converting functionality to their projects, although, end users can also find it useful. The main effort was made on processing the tables correctly, and it seems successful - all other programs I've seen do tables processing much worse. Moreover, at the moment, I haven't seen any file that displays correctly in MS Word, but crashes this program. For further information, go to http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/rtf2html 2. Copying Distributed under LGPL license - see COPYING.LESSER, it must be in the archive. 3. Compiling - Under UNIX: Just ./configure && make && make install. The program seems to work much (about 2 times) faster when compiled with STLPort STL implementation than with the GNU one. So, you may use --with-stlport configure option if you have it installed. - Under MS Windows: Use MSYS/MinGW, use it the same way as in UNIX. No makefiles for other Win compilers are included yet, so, write it yourself, if you want - it isn't that hard. BCC is no longer supported! 4. Installation No binary distribution for Unix/Linux is provided - just compile the program from source (see above). You can, however, download a binary package for MS Windows from the project page, http://www.sf.net/projects/rtf2html. 5. Usage 5.1 Command-line options rtf2html -v|--version prints the current version. rtf2html -h|--help prints the help. rtf2html [<rtf file> [<html file>]]. Converts the file. If either of files is not specified, the corresponding std descriptor (stdin or stdout) is used. 5.2 Supported features This version supports the following: - Character formatting: bold, italic, underline, sub- and superscripts. NOTE: underlining is displayed only as solid. - Paragraph formatting: horizontal alignment, indentation, margins. - Table formatting: arbitrary cell spans, cell sizings, borders, vertical alignment in cells. NOTE: borders are displayed correctly only under IE 5+ and only as solid. - Page formatting: page width, left margin. - Hexadecimal character codes (Cyrillic letters would come out in win1251) - Font faces and sizes. - Foreground and background colors, highlighting. 5.3 Unsupported features This version DOES NOT support the following: - Character sets. - Hyperlinks. - Images. - Different stuff like macros, embedded OLE objects, etc. 6. Compiling notes. The source was compiled with - gcc 3.3 under ALT Linux Master 2.4 on i386 - gcc 3.4.2 (MinGW) under Win2k