
ground truth final states, slots, and binary dict and arrays

Under 'hotel-final-slots.json, for each hotel-booking only dialog, we have dialogwhich is the processed merged dialog,steps-summarywhich is the summarized steps of the dialog by InstructGPT,final-statewhich is the final ground truth state dictionary (from the dataset),binary-dictwhich is the slots converted to binary stored in a dictionary, andbinary-array` which is the binary values in binary-dict listed in an array.

Under hotel-slot-changes.json, for each hotel-booking dialog, we record the ground truth slot information change every time it's service's turn to speak. They are derived from the ground truth dialog state annotations.

InstructGPT generated summaries

(1) Under summaries-hotel folder is over 2k of summaries of dialogs from MultiWOZ 2.4 that is hotel-related

(2) Under summaries-hotel-booked is the subset of (1) where the booking was completed during the dialog (about 1.3k dialogs)

(3) Under summaries-hotel-only is the subset of (2) where there is no discussion of other types of service during the conversation (so hotel booking only). (230 dialogs)

(4) Under summaries-hotel-only-all is all dialogs from MultiWOZ 2.4 that satisfies the same criterion as (3), i.e. hotel-only and completion of booking. (432 dialogs)

(5) Under summaries-hotel-only-all2 is same dialogs as (4) but summaries generated with a different prompt (that seems to make InstructGPT less likely to make up steps that dont exist in dialogs)

See slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fSVIjLmEJyzBSvE9dNkO4d9uR7AMEcVHv8QR_usl9Tw/edit?usp=sharing for examples of (3)