
added jit support for sproto.

Primary LanguageLua


added JIT support for sproto. using dynasm.

I think this is not a good idea. Because sproto mainly to lua binding. so the preformance mainly in the callback function. Although using JIT encode/decode can reduce instruction dispatch, improve cache utilization. using jit is best only have 14% improvement. :(

you can set macro SPROTO_JIT to decide use the jit or interpreter mode at sproto.h.


currently only support POSIX X64.


my cpu is i5@2.4GHz the sproto schema:

.Person {
  name 6 : string
  id 2 : integer
  email 9 : string

  .PhoneNumber {
    number 3 : string
    type 1 : integer

  phone 7 : *PhoneNumber

.AddressBook {
  person 5 : *Person

Use the data:

local ab = {
  person = {
      name = "Alice",
      id = 10000,
      phone = {
        { number = "123456789" , type = 1 },
        { number = "87654321" , type = 2 },
      name = "Bob",
      id = 20000,
      phone = {
        { number = "01234567890" , type = 3 },
library encode 1M times decode 1M times
sproto(no jit / nopack) 1.83s 5.96s
sproto(jit / nopack) 1.54s 5.11s

the overall increase of 14.7%