Elixir Without Laravel

By request, I have made a basic demo repo for how to use Elixir without Laravel. The original post is here.

The app itself is a hash digester written in Vue.js in 71 loc, which I think is pretty neat in itself!

Hash Digester in Vue.js

The gulpfile.js has three tasks:

  1. Sass to CSS: src/sass/app.scss -> dist/css/app.css
  2. Browserify JS: src/js/app.js -> dist/js/app.js
  3. Browser Sync watches these for changes: **/*.html, dist/js/**/*.js, dist/css/**/*.css


To get running:

npm install
npm start

Then localhost:3000 should automatically launch.

  • You may need to open src/sass/app.scss and save it once for gulp to kick on and process it for the first time.
  • You can also run gulp watch instead of npm start (they do the same thing)


All you need is love Node.js.

Windows and OSX

  1. Install Node/NPM
  • Minimum: 0.10.13
  • Recommended: 0.12.0 or above

Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, & other similar Linux Distros

  1. Update Advanced Package Tool: sudo apt-get update
  2. Install Node.js: sudo apt-get install nodejs
  3. Install NPM: sudo apt-get install npm
  4. Create a symbolic link for node sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node


To minify for production run either npm run prod or gulp --production (they do the same thing).


As a final note, I added babel-preset-es2015 and babel-preset-react to the dev dependencies. This fixes an issue that I have sometimes:

Couldn't find preset "es2015" relative to directory