
My vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script


Clone and pull the repo using --recurse-submodules to get all packages.

If you have cloned the repo with recurse-submodules, use this command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Replace (or merge) your ~/.vim folder with the contents of this repository.

Put the following line in ~/.vimrc:

runtime vimrc

package management with vim 8

Copied from https://shapeshed.com/vim-packages/

adding a package

Here is an example of how to add a package using Vim’s native approach to packages and git submodules.

cd ~/dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline.git vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
git add .gitmodules vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
git commit

updating packages

To update packages is also just a case of updating git submodules.

git submodule update --remote --merge
git commit

removing a package

Removing a package is just a case of removing the git submodule.

git submodule deinit vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
git rm vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
rm -Rf .git/modules/vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
git commit