Explainable Reinforcement Learning: Visual Policy Rationalizations Using Grad-CAM

This reposity is holds the code needed to reproduce the results for my thesis. The Grad-CAM implementation used is based on https://github.com/kazuto1011/grad-cam-pytorch, the A3C implementation is based on https://github.com/ikostrikov/pytorch-a3c.


Some example analysis can be found here.

How to use the code

Note that it is still a work in progress, but eventually it should look like this:

python3 main.py --env-name ENV_NAME --gradcam_layer GCAM_LAYER

This command should run an episode of ENV_NAME using the pretrained models and collect Grad-CAM outputs for each state/action at layer GCAM_LAYER (which would default to features.elu4).

trained models

The models can be found in the pretrained folder. Each model has both a 'full' and a 'half' version (see paper).

Full Agent Mean Full Agent Variance Half Agent Mean Half Agent Variance DeepMind
Pong 21.00 0.00 14.99 0.09 10.7
BeamRider 4659.04 1932.58 1597.40 1202.00 24622.2
Seaquest 1749.00 11.44 N/A N/A 1326.1

Note that these models are based on amount of frames whereas DeepMind is based on 4 day training on 16 CPU cores, which makes comparing them hard.