
A word cloud generator using Python includes component that integrates with the Twitter API

Primary LanguagePython


###Install *using Python 2.7 (does not work with 3.5)

pip install wordcloud
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy

###Add Data and Image in Script ####Image: On line #10, change the path to an image:

pipe_mask = np.array(Image.open(path.join("./images/", "elephant.jpg")))

####Text File: On line #14, add a path to the text file:

text = open(path.join('//Users/lisaw/desktop/tapper.txt')).read()

###Run Script

python word.py

###Output Example Used the transcript from the March 12, 2016 GOP debate and an image of an elephant.

Here is what the script changes the image output to:

Original image:

original image

Output Image:

image output

##Using with TwitterBot

###Set up API access Go to Twitter and get access keys: http://apps.twitter.com/

Create a oauth_info.py file to store the keys:

CONSUMER_KEY = 'enter your information here'
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'enter your information here'
ACCESS_TOKEN = 'enter your information here'
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = 'enter your information here'
USER_NAME = 'enter your twitter handle here'

REMEMBER to .gitignore this file if pushing to Git

###install packages:

The packages can be downloaded and installed, e.g., via pip:

  • twitter
  • pandas
  • pyprind
pip install <package_name>


python -m pip install <package_name>

###Getting User Tweets In the twitter_timeline.py script, on line #29 change the self.screen_name:

self.screen_name = 'realdonaldtrump'

Next, run the script with an output file to save the tweets to a csv file on the CLI:

python twitter_timeline.py --out 'output.csv'

Tweets should download and come back with this when it is completed:

Authentification successful: True
Tweets downloaded: 195()

###Running the WordCloud Script Open the word_twit.py file and make sure the script is reading the correct output file on line #15:

text = open(path.join('./_twitter/output.csv')).read()

Now run the file and watch the magic happen! python word_twit.py

###Sources WordCloud Github: https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud https://github.com/staseface7

TwitterBot: http://sebastianraschka.com/Articles/2014_twitter_wordcloud.html https://github.com/rasbt/datacollect/tree/master/twitter_timeline