This is a demo about "Match C++ and Java AES,RSA Encryption and Decryption Results"
Use Crypto++ (
I ignore the "cryptopp561.a", because it's too big (130M)
The more information is in CryptoPP-for-iOS
Also you can compile Crypto++ with yourself
Use the "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
// key
byte[] key = "0123456789abcdef".getBytes("UTF-8");
// iv
byte[] iv = "fedcba9876543210".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] indata = "bsmith is a good guy.".getBytes("UTF-8");
//dump("indata", indata);
AES aes = new AES();
aes.init(key, iv);
// encrypt.
byte[] outdata = aes.encrypt(indata);
//dump("outdata", outdata);
// decrypt.
byte[] indata1 = aes.decrypt(outdata);
//dump("indata1", indata1);
// key
const char * key = "0123456789abcdef";
// iv
const char * iv = "fedcba9876543210";
AES aes;
aes.init(key, 16, iv);
// decrypt.
int maxinlen = aes.getPlainLen(encryptSize);
char * orgdata = new char[maxinlen];
int orglen = aes.decrypt(encryptBuffer, encryptSize, orgdata);
//dump(orgdata, orglen);
delete [] orgdata;
// encrypt.
int maxoutlen = aes.getCipherLen(decryptSize);
char * outdata = new char[maxoutlen];
int outlen = 0;
outlen = aes.encrypt(decryptBuffer, decryptSize, outdata);
//dump(outdata, outlen);
delete [] outdata;
Use the "RSA PKCS #1"