Please Read!

We use the Magick.NET libraries that you can find here for image type validation and metadata building.

Please review the licensed rights for Magick.NET here

These are used only when the image extension was not properly retained in the export, and so we need to determine the type and rename them.


The original blog post may still be relevant in some cases but is mostly outdated. See this link instead or this other link here

Known Issues

  • Password Relations to Articles and SSL Certificates are not currently included

Password relations are only available from ITGlue when querying the API directly for each password individually. Since this will increase the runtime of the script by hours or days potentially we'll be making a script to run at the end which will loop through passwords and update the relations at that time. For right now relationships between Passwords and any entity that is not available in the API (Articles, and SSL Certificates) is completely invisbile to this migration script.

Release Notes

Version 2.x - Well tested but still beta version

This version of the script brings an interactive migration process, settings will get saved by default to %APPDATA%\HuduMigration although they can be moved and then re-imported from a different path after creation.

Settings that will be saved include API Keys, URLs, Prefixes, and so on. You can modify the settings.json file directly as long as you use values that are expected.

Settings that are not saved include the migration preferences (such as what entites to migrate) TIP: Load the script through DOT SOURCING . .\migration\ITGlue-Hudu-Migration.ps1 so that the session saves the answers in context and you can re-run as necessary.

  • Powershell Secure Strings are used in Settings to encrypt sensitive API Keys
  • modify the $resumeQuestion variable from yes to no to change if you would like to continue or start over.
  • MigrationLogs are stored by default in %APPDATA%\HuduMigration make sure you keep these safe!
  • URL Rewrites have been updated to apply to all Rich Text asset fields, articles, Company Quick Notes, and Password notes
  • Image Upload has been improved to use the Hudu API endpoint instead of Base64 and will include the best quality image available
  • Add-HuduAttachmentsViaAPI.ps1 can be used to upload attachments to Hudu. This no longer uses the direct database connection although if you run the script more than once it'll upload duplicate attachments.
  • Previously unsupported tagged relations have been supplemented by doing regular related items instead of tags (Articles, AssetPasswords)
  • Archived Assets will be archived even after migration
  • The initialization will prompt for multiple ITGlue domain names and will ATTEMPT (lightly tested) to rewrite ALL of them to the correct Hudu ones.


  • Archived Articles will be archived even after migration
  • Replace-HuduBase64images.ps1 has been updated to use the API and will be fully adapted for fixing completed imports that placed base64 images in articles.

Version 1.2

Small bug fixes

Version 1.1

Small bug fixes

Version 2.0.0-beta

This is under development right now and should not be used.

Replace Base64 Images

Use this script to replace previous migrations that embedded Base64 images into your articles. If your Hudu is crashing or running out of memory trying to retrieve articles, this wil generally fix it. If API isn't sufficient for collecting the articles you can switch to direct database access with an older version of this script.

Attachment Uploads

The attachments script will use the API to upload the files create links inside of Hudu Note that there's no way to see the attachments currently via the API so if you run the script more than once it'll upload duplicate files and can fill up your space