
Powershell module to interact with the Simwood API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Simwood API

This Powershell module lets you interact with the Simwood API. You should read the API documentation at https://cdn.simwood.com/docs/simwood_apiv3.pdf for detals on how to interact with the API.


Install-Module SimwoodAPI
Import-Module SimwoodAPI


Connect to the API

$SimwoodAccountID = "YourSimwoodAccountID"
$SimwoodUser = "YourSimwoodUser"
$SimwoodPass = "YourSimwoodPassword"
$SimwoodInvoiceID = "I123455678"

Set-SimwoodAPIDetails -APIUser $SimwoodUser -APIKey $SimwoodPass
Set-SimwoodAccountID -AccountID $SimwoodAccountID

Basic Helper API calls


Finding numbers with no 999 details and listing their configured endpoint

$SimwoodAccountID = "YourSimwoodAccountID"
$SimwoodUser = "YourSimwoodUser"
$SimwoodPass = "YourSimwoodPassword"

Import-Module SimwoodAPI
Set-SimwoodAPIDetails -APIUser $SimwoodUser -APIKey $SimwoodPass
Set-SimwoodAccountID -AccountID $SimwoodAccountID

$Numbers = Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumbers

$ProcessedNumbers = foreach ($Number in $Numbers) {
    $ParsedNumber = "$($Number.country_code)$($Number.number)"
    $Config = Get-SimwoodNumberConfig -Number $ParsedNumber
    $999 = Get-SimwoodNumber999Config -Number $ParsedNumber

    $Endpoint = $Config.routing.default.endpoint
    $999Name = $999.name

        Number   = $ParsedNumber
        Endpoint = $Endpoint
        '999Name' = $999Name

$ProcessedNumbers | where-object {!$_."999Name"} | format-table

Retrieving Invoices

Get-SimwoodInvoices -InvoiceType all
Get-SimwoodInvoices -InvoiceType paid
Get-SimwoodInvoices -InvoiceType unpaid
Get-SimwoodInvoicePDF -InvoiceID $SimwoodInvoiceID -FilePath "C:\temp\SimwoodInvoice.pdf"

Balance Functions

$fromdate = (Get-Date).adddays(-13)
$todate = Get-Date
Get-SimwoodPrepaySummary -FromDate $FromDate
Get-SimwoodPrepaySummary -ToDate $ToDate
Get-SimwoodPrepaySummary -FromDate $FromDate -ToDate $ToDate

Get-SimwoodPrepayments -Quantity all
Get-SimwoodPrepayments -Quantity latest1
Get-SimwoodPrepayments -Quantity latest10

Get-SimwoodPrepayTransfers -Quantity all
Get-SimwoodPrepayTransfers -Quantity latest1
Get-SimwoodPrepayTransfers -Quantity latest10

Set-SimwoodBalanceAlert -AlertBalance 200
#AlertAvailable Doesn't seem to exist
Set-SimwoodBalanceAlert -AlertBalance 250 -AlertAvailable 10

Set-SimwoodLockedBalance -ProtectedBalance 200.50

Rates / Tariffs

Get-SimwoodRatesCSV -FilePath "C:\temp\Default.csv"
Get-SimwoodRatesCSV -Name silver -FilePath "C:\temp\Silver.csv"
Get-SimwoodRatesCSV -Name platinum -FilePath "C:\temp\Platinum.csv"
Get-SimwoodRatesCSV -Name gold -FilePath "C:\temp\Gold.csv"

$tariffs = Get-SimwoodTariffs
foreach ($tariff in $tariffs) {
	$FileName = $tariff.description -replace ' ', '_'
	Get-SimwoodRatesCSV -Name url -url $tariff.url -FilePath "C:\temp\$FileName.csv"	

Get-SimwoodDestinationLookup -Number 4433012456789

Working with CDRs

$Filter = @{
	"trunk" = "930000-l001"

$Date = (Get-Date).addDays(-7)

Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRLatest -Quantity 10
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRLatest -Quantity 100
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRLatest -Quantity 1000
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRLatest -Quantity 10000

Get-SimwoodVoiceCDR -Date $Date

Get-SimwoodVoiceCDR -Inline
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDR -Inline -Date $Date -Filter $Filter
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDR -Inline -DateStart $Date -DateEnd $Date.adddays(3) -Filter $Filter -Limit 1000 -Start 0

Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRSummary -Direction in
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRSummary -Direction in -Date $Date
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRSummary -Direction out | ft
Get-SimwoodVoiceCDRSummary -Direction out -Date $Date | ft

Get-SimwoodSMSCDRLatest -Quantity 10
Get-SimwoodSMSCDRLatest -Quantity 100
Get-SimwoodSMSCDRLatest -Quantity 1000
Get-SimwoodSMSCDRLatest -Quantity 10000

Get-SimwoodSMSCDR -Date $Date

Get-SimwoodInstantSummary -Key "trunk" -Sort "calls" -filter $Filter
Get-SimwoodInstantSummary -Key "destid" -DateStart $((Get-Date).AddDays(-7)) -DateEnd $(Get-Date)
Get-SimwoodInstantSummary -Key "tag" -Limit 100
Get-SimwoodInstantSummary -Key "codec"
Get-SimwoodInstantSummary -Key "iso"



$Types = (Get-SimwoodNotificationTypes).psobject.properties.name
foreach ($type in $types) {
	New-SimwoodNotificationRecipient -Type $Type -Method email -Destination "admin@yourdomain.com"
	New-SimwoodNotificationRecipient -Type $Type -Method sms -Destination "441234567890"

$EnabledTypes = Get-SimwoodNotifications

Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method sms -Destination "441234567890"
Remove-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type "billing" -method "sms" -Destination "441234567890"
Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method sms -Destination "441234567890"

Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type "billing"
Remove-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type "billing"
Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type "billing"

$Types = (Get-SimwoodNotificationTypes).psobject.properties.name
foreach ($type in $types) {
	New-SimwoodNotificationRecipient -Type $Type -Method email -Destination "admin@yourdomain.com"
	New-SimwoodNotificationRecipient -Type $Type -Method sms -Destination "441234567890"

$EnabledTypes = Get-SimwoodNotifications

foreach ($type in $EnabledTypes) {
	Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type
	Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method sms
	Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method email
	Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method email -Destination "admin@yourdomain.com"
	Get-SimwoodNotificationRecipients -Type $Type -Method sms -Destination "441234567890"

Get-SimwoodNotificationHistory -DateStart (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) -DateEnd (Get-Date) -class "alerts"

Working with Channels

Set-SimwoodVoiceLimits -in 30 -out 30

Get-SimwoodChannelStatistics -History "1m"
Get-SimwoodChannelStatistics -History "5m"
Get-SimwoodChannelStatistics -History "1h"

Inprogress Calls

$Calls = Get-SimwoodInProgressCalls
Get-SimwoodInProgressCalls -ID ($Calls.Channels[0]).call_id
Remove-SimwoodInProgressCall -ID ($Calls.Channels[0]).call_id

Rejected Calls

Get-SimwoodRejectedCalls -Reason 'cli'

Working with Trunks

# Get trunk information
$Trunks = Get-SimwoodTrunks
Get-SimwoodTrunks -Name $Trunks.trunk[0]
Get-SimwoodTrunkBalance -Name $Trunks.trunk[0]

#Trunk name must always be upper case.

# Create and remove an Auth Trunk
New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"
Remove-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Create and remove an IP Trunk
New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Type "ip"
Remove-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Set Trunk Settings
New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"
$TrunkSettings = @{
	'enabled'                                    = 1
	'enabled_in'                                 = 1
	'enabled_out'                                = 1
	'limit_concurrent_out'                       = 10
	'limit_concurrent_out_international'         = 1
	'limit_concurrent_out_international_hotspot' = 0
	'limit_concurrent_out_per_number'            = 10
	'limit_concurrent_in'                        = 10
	'limit_rate_out'                             = '5/1s'
	'limit_rate_out_international'               = '1/10s'
	'limit_rate_out_international_hotspot'       = '1/12h'
	'limit_rate_out_per_number'                  = '1/1s'
	'limit_rate_in'                              = '1/1s'
	'cli_format'                                 = 'e164'
	'cli_default'                                = '441234567890'
	'cli_force_default'                          = 0
	'nni_default'                                = '441234567890'
	'max_cpm'                                    = '1.0'
	'max_cpc'                                    = '1.0'
	'max_cost'                                   = '10.0'
	'max_dur'                                    = 7000
	'emergency_enabled'                          = 1
$Result = Set-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Properties $TrunkSettings

# Update trunk balance and remove the limit on the trunk

Set-SimwoodTrunkBalance -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Balance '10.0'
Set-SimwoodTrunkBalance -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Adjust '10.0'
Set-SimwoodTrunkBalance -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Adjust '-5.75'
Remove-SimwoodTrunkBalance -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# View trunks in progress calls
Get-SimwoodTrunkInProgressCalls -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

Remove-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Add and remove an IP to an IP Trunk

New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Type "ip"

Get-SimwoodTrunkIPACL -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"
New-SimwoodTrunkIPACL -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -IP ""
Remove-SimwoodTrunkIPACL -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -IP ""

Remove-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Reset Auth trunk password

New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

Set-SimwoodTrunkResetPassword -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

Trunk ACLS

# Set Trunk ACLS

New-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

$Deny = @(32909, 88299, 87030, 449)
$Allow = @(441, 442, 443, 447)

Set-SimwoodPrefixACL -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Allow $Allow -Deny $Deny
Set-SimwoodPrefixACL -Deny $Deny

# Get Trunk ACLs
Get-SimwoodPrefixACLs -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Remove ACLs
Remove-SimwoodPrefixACL -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# WAITING SIMWOOD: This is currenty broken waiting on a fix from Simwood
Set-SimwoodRateACL -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST" -Allow $Allow -Deny $Deny
Set-SimwoodRateACL -Deny $Deny

# Get Trunk ACLs
Get-SimwoodRateACLs -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

# Remove ACLs
Remove-SimwoodRateACL -TrunkName "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

Remove-SimwoodTrunk -Name "$($SimwoodAccountID)-PSTEST"

Simwood IDAs

Note: IDAs are no longer supported by Simwood. I left this in case someone is using legacy ones, but have been unable to test

Get-SimwoodIDA -CLI '44123567890'
New-SimwoodIDA -CLI '44123567890'

Trunk Settings

$TrunkSettings = @{
	'enabled'                                    = 1
	'enabled_in'                                 = 1
	'enabled_out'                                = 1
	'limit_concurrent_out'                       = 10
	'limit_concurrent_out_international'         = 1
	'limit_concurrent_out_international_hotspot' = 0
	'limit_concurrent_out_per_number'            = 10
	'limit_concurrent_in'                        = 10
	'limit_rate_out'                             = '5/1s'
	'limit_rate_out_international'               = '1/10s'
	'limit_rate_out_international_hotspot'       = '1/12h'
	'limit_rate_out_per_number'                  = '1/1s'
	'limit_rate_in'                              = '1/1s'
	'cli_format'                                 = 'e164'
	'cli_default'                                = '441234567890'
	'cli_force_default'                          = 0
	'nni_default'                                = '441234567890'
	'max_cpm'                                    = '1.0'
	'max_cpc'                                    = '1.0'
	'max_cost'                                   = '10.0'
	'max_dur'                                    = 7000
	'emergency_enabled'                          = 1
$Result = Set-SimwoodTrunk -CLI '44123567890' -Properties $TrunkSettings

Remove-SimwoodTrunk -CLI '44123567890'


Get-SimwoodAvailableNumbers -NumberType 'standard' -Count 10
Get-SimwoodAvailableNumbers -NumberType 'standard' -Count 10 -pattern '44333*'
Get-SimwoodAvailableNumbers -NumberType 'standard' -Count 10 -Pattern '333*' -CountryCode '44'

# This generates and fetches a report so will be slower
Get-SimwoodAvailableNumbers -Consecutive 10 -Pattern '*1234*'

Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumbers -Limit 10
Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumbers -Pattern "*33*" -Key "Test"

Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumbers -Number "441234567890"

New-SimwoodNumber -Number "441234567890"

Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumberLastCall -Number "441234567890"

Number Configuration

Get-SimwoodNumberConfig -Number "441234567890"

# See https://cdn.simwood.com/docs/simwood_apiv3.pdf Page 40 "Number Routing Configuration" onwards for more details
$NumberConfig = @{
	options = @{
		enabled        = $true
		block_payphone = $true
		acr            = $true
		trunk          = '9XXXXX-TRUNK'
	rules   = @{
		officehours      = @(
				dow  = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
				time = @('09:00', '17:00')
		weekend          = @(
				dow = @(6, 7)
		christmasNewYear = @(
				day   = @(25, 26)
				month = @(12)
				day   = @(1, 2)
				month = @(1)

	routing = @{
		officehours      = @(
					type    = 'reg'
					user    = '930XXXX-SIPUSER'
					timeout = '30'
					type     = 'sip'
					endpoint = '%e164@pbx.examplecompany.com'
					timeout  = '30'
					type   = 'pstn'
					number = '441234567890'
		weekend          = @(
			# The preceeding , is required for single options so powershell doesn't collapse the nested array
					type   = 'pstn'
					number = '441234567890'
		christmasNewYear = @(
					type = 'busy'

	meta    = @{
		key     = 'COMPANY_ACC_CODE'
		notes   = 'This number is used for testing'
		example = 'The key attribute is searchable in Get-SimwoodAllocatedNumbers anything else can be used for your own use'


Set-SimwoodNumberConfig -Number "441234567890" -Properties $NumberConfig
# Set Default
Set-SimwoodNumberConfig -Properties $NumberConfig

Remove-SimwoodNumberConfig -Number "441234567890"

Assigning Numbers to Trunks

Get-SimwoodNumberTrunk -Number "441234567890"
Set-SimwoodNumberTrunk -Number "441234567890" -Trunk '9XXXXX-TRUNK'
Remove-SimwoodNumberTrunk -Number "441234567890"

Number SMS Configuration

Get-SimwoodNumberSMSConfig -Number "447234567890"
Set-SimwoodNumberSMSConfig -Number "447234567890" -mode "http_json" -endpoint "https://test.example.com/sms"
Remove-SimwoodNumberSMSConfig -Number "447234567890"

999 Settings

Get-SimwoodNumber999Config -Number "447234567890"
# Business
Set-SimwoodNumber999Config -Number "447234567890" -Name "Example Company" -BusSuffix "Ltd" -Premises "Example House, 123" -Thoroughfare "London Road" -Locality "Example Town" -Postcode "AB1 2CD"
# Individual
Set-SimwoodNumber999Config -Number "447234567890" -Title "Mr" -Forename "Luke" -Name "Whitelock" -Premises "Example House, 123" -Thoroughfare "London Road" -Locality "Example Town" -Postcode "AB1 2CD"

Number lookups and validation

Get-SimwoodNumberValidate -Number "441234567890"
Get-SimwoodNumberLookup -Number "441234567890"


Please note I have only implemented the read only endpoints at the moment and will wait until we have a new port to submit to be able to test adding a port.

Get-SimwoodPorts -Type 'gnp'
Get-SimwoodPorts -Type 'mnp'
Get-SimwoodPorts -Type 'gnp' -ID '1234567'

Send an SMS

New-SimwoodSMS -To '441234567890' -From '441234567890' -Message 'Test SMS' -Flash 1 -Replace 1 -Concat 10 -Extended 1


I hate faxes sorry!