
RSS website scraping scripts

RSS website scraping scripts

This repository serves as a guide on RSS/Atom feed scraping solutions. While this repos hosts a few scripts and examples to build upon, it mostly provides links to existing solutions.

This repo does focus on simple (almost) zero-setup solutions!

Example scraping scripts

The examples folder provides a few scripts that illustrate how to write a scraper in different scripting languages. It does focus on languages that can be run out of the box on all Linux distributions so you can use those scrapers with feed readers that support running scripts as sources like Liferea and SnowNews.

OSS scraping scripts

This is a list of simple scripts you can run locally. You can use them with any desktop feed reader that can run local commands.

Tool Input Extraction Output Details
sjehuda/html2atom HTML XPath Atom Python Script
h43z/rssify HTML CSS selectors RSS Python script
Tweeper Twitter auto RSS PHP script
MixCloud HTML auto RSS PHP script

Commercial scraping solutions

These are 3rd party services usually provided by companies that offer subscriptions. List is roughly ordered by usefulness and simplicity of the services. When using free plans consider your privacy!

Tool Input Extraction Output Sign Up Details
rsshub.app Many social networks auto RSS no Simple link syntax e.g. https://rsshub.app/<service>/user/<user name>
nitter.com Twitter auto RSS no Simple link syntax https://nitter.net/<twitter username>/rss
feed43.com Any website string pattern RSS no Free for non-commercial use. Allows to specify patterns to extract
fivefilters.org Any website CSS selectors RSS no Returns only 5 most recent items per feed
RSS.app Many social networks auto RSS yes
fetchrss Any website visual assistant RSS yes 4 feeds are free
Google Search Google Search API Query RSS/Atom yes 100 requests per day, API key necessary

If you find a service/link broken or missing please create a PR!