
Music quiz using Spotify music library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How well do you know your music?
Music quiz using Spotify music library. Play at spotiquiz.online

Technologies and tools used

  • HTML + jS
  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Spotify WebAPI


Improvements/fixes to be worked on

  • Logout (or take another action) when tokens refresh fails
  • Divide Game component into smaller ones
  • CSS cleanup
  • Cleanup the mix of plain HTML layout with Bootstrap components
  • Stop game when music is stopped without the controls use (i.e. from Android/iPhone browser widget)

New features to be added

  • Add skipping to next and previous track functionality
  • Add album cover revealing animation

Known issues

  • Soft keyboard overlays search field during game (only when using Chrome on iPhone)

Check it out

This project has been deployed online. You can find it here.