
Fish shell plugin for oCaml opam

Primary LanguageShell

🐟 opam (for fish!)

An opam plugin for Fish Shell.

Automatically sets opam environmental variables


Using Fisherman:

fisher install lwolfsonkin/fish-plugin-opam

Potential Issues

Mac OS

After installing opam, running the opam command may yield the following error Install https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html to use this plugin.

Reason for the error

The problem is that, the opam plugin rightly could not find the opam command. The situation with fish shell is that it executes scripts in the /Users/user/.config/fish/config.d folder before executing config.fish and the opam plugin creates a link in the config.d folder hence it is executed before config.fish.

Now depending on how you installed opam or how soon your $PATH is loaded you could be faced with the above error.


You could create a file say 000-env.fish (or whatever you want to call it), and place it in /Users/user/.config/fish/config.d. In this file set the path to the folder where opam was installed.

The 000 preface is to ensure that, that script will be executed first before the others in config.d. You have to prefix the file with 000 it is abitrary. Just give it a name that places it at the to of the pile.


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