
Bootstrapping of CentOS box to get ready for development

Primary LanguageVimL


Bootstrapping for development on a CentOS box in the cloud. It should be run as root like so:

./bootstrap tsmith tony.smith@foo.com

This will:

  • Carry out some basic bootstrapping such as removing the requirement of sudoers to have to provide a password, firewalling, ssh lockdown, ntp setup, etc...
  • Create the user tsmith
  • Make tsmith a sudoer
  • Generate a key pair for tsmith with appropriate permissions in their $HOME/.ssh directory
  • Install java 1.7, 1.8, python 2.7, ruby 2.3, jruby 9K, node and go
  • Install many important dev/ops tools such as telnet, netcat, nmap, lsof, tcpdump, iotop, sar, traceroute, tmux, ctags, git, docker, ack, jq, httpie
  • Install and customize vim
  • Setup other dot files
  • Customize Vim as an IDE
  • Install dev utilities for TDD workflow
  • Fetch tsmith's keys from GitHub into authorized_keys
  • Send an email to tony.smith@foo.com with a password and other details

The primary purpose of this is to give me the ability to bootstrap cloud hosts w/development tools that I like to use for development in lieu of a high-performance/costly laptop.


  1. Find a release you want here
  2. wget the source tarball
  3. tar -xzf the source tarball
  4. cd into the unpacked directory
  5. ./bootstrap.sh [USER] [EMAIL] to start bootstrapping

When done, you should be able to log in as the user specified.
