
Helpful #skill-software-devops repository for code and documentation.

Primary LanguageHCL

Helpful Engineering DevOps Team

Welcome to the Helpful Engineering DevOps team. Please check our FAQ below and the documentation in the repository.


How do I get help?

Click the lightning bolt () in the header of the slack channel and select «Help Request»

How do I help out?

Fill out our skill survey at https://airtable.com/shrisE8yL9W3cegHr and check out our Trello board at https://trello.com/invite/b/8TEQ0gH0/82b3cce6da639b5cebde085def1d2ede/skill-software-devops-projects

When are check-in meetings?

Daily at 1500 PT/2200 GMT on zoom: https://zoom.us/j/471016936?pwd=cXh2RWFib2F4RU1ldVZPM3BNdkcrQT09

How can I transfer/create a repository under this organization?

Please create a repository request issue and fill the required information.

Who should I ask about X?

Follow the directory link below

📋 Directory

Role Slack
Airtable Support @psprings, @Ken and @jonnyparris in #skill-software-devops
Github Support @Frank Prins and @0x2b3bfa0 in #skill-software-devops
CRM / Odoo @Matt Melton and @Ray Carnes in #discussion-odoo-resources
Main web site @Charles He
Onboarding Wiki / Notion @Mark

You can find the team directory at /documentation/directory.md