
Best javascript solutions from real projects!



Tiny solutions for Javascript development from real projects.

Hero image credit to fabio.

Contributions(PR, Issue) to this repo are welcome!




each solution is expected to include:

  • Tile
  • Description or Challenge
  • Code snippte

#1. How to render html in Reactjs safely

Challenge: html string may invalid or unclosed to parse directly unless severside sanitized.


import renderHTML from 'react-render-html'

export default function parseValidHtmlString(string) {
  // check string for valid markup and render elements OR
  // strip tags and render string.
  if (
  ) {
    return string.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '')
  } else {
    return renderHTML(string)



Created @2022/05/12

#2. What is the best calendar component in ReactJS?

available calendar components are:


#3. What is the best map library in javascript?

Available map library are:



#4. What is the best form creation & validity library in ReactJS?

Challenge: create form in reactjs could be cubersome if you choosing manage form state mannually.



Build forms in React, without the tears

along with a good partner for validation schema definition with Yup.

#5. What is the best javascript tutorials site up to date and modern?


#6. What is the best ReactJS tutorials for free?

30 Days of React

#7. What is the best open source Firebase alternative?

#8. What is the best open source Headless CMS

#9. What is the best open-source Shopify alternative ?


#10. What is the best Nodejs ORM framework?


#11. What is the best javascript 2D game engine?

phaser melonJS

#12. What is the best javascript code style?

Clean code javascript

#13. What is the best svg image embedding solution in ReactJS ?

in package.json:

"devDependencies": {
    "babel-plugin-inline-react-svg": "^1.1.2"

in YourComponent.js file:

import { ReactComponent as CalendarIcon } from '../../assets/icons/calendar.svg'

#14. What is the best way to detect view in viewport in ReactJS ?

Use Case:

Video playing is expected to pause while it is invisible on the screen.




import handleViewport from 'react-in-viewport'

const AnywhereVideoBlock = ({inViewport, ...}) => ()

const AnywhereVideo = handleViewport(AnywhereVideoBlock)

export default AnywhereVideo

#15. What is the best slider or carousel component in ReactJS ?

React Slick

#16. What is the best modal solution in ReactJS ?


#17. What is the best click away handler wrapper in ReactJS ?

Solution one:

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

const ClickAwayHandler = ({ handleClickAway, classNames, children }) => {
  const ref = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    function handleOutSideClick(e) {
      if (!ref.current || !ref.current.contains(e.target)) {

    function handleEscKey(e) {
      if (e.keyCode === 27) {

    window.addEventListener('click', handleOutSideClick)
    window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey)

    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener('click', handleOutSideClick)
      window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey)

  return (
    <div className={classNames} ref={ref}>

export default ClickAwayHandler

#18. What is the best hover away handler wrapper in ReactJS ?

Solution one:

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

const HoverAwayHandler = ({ handleHoverAway, classNames, children }) => {
  const ref = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    function handleOutSideClick(e) {
      if (!ref.current || !ref.current.contains(e.target)) {

    function handleEscKey(e) {
      if (e.keyCode === 27) {

    window.addEventListener('mouseout', handleOutSideClick)
    window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey)

    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener('mouseout', handleOutSideClick)
      window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey)

  return (
    <div className={classNames} ref={ref}>

export default HoverAwayHandler

#19. What is the best way to safely and dynamically import component in Next.js ?

const layoutName = 'YourComponentFileName'

const errorInfo = () => <p>{layoutName}.js not found</p>
// safe way to load a component at runtime
// https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/7480
const LayoutComponent = dynamic(
  () => import(`src/components/flex-layouts/${layoutName}.js`).catch(() => errorInfo)

return (<LayoutComponent />)

#20. What is the best input format library ?


#21. What is the best open source components using Tailwind CSS?

#22. What is the best ReactJS boilerplate project ?

Bulletproof React

#23. What is the best Electron boilerplate project using ReactJS as frontend?

Electron React Boilerplate

#24. What is the best web version code editor which is up to date and modern?

Monaco Editor

#25. What is the best rich text editor on web based on ReactJS ?


#26. What is the best ... ?


#27. What is the best ... ?


#28. What is the best ... ?


#29. What is the best ... ?


#30. What is the best ... ?


31. What is the best ... ?


#32. What is the best ... ?
