
hexo console command to conver html to post...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hexo html synchronizer

a hexo console plugin, to fetch remote webpage(including image file) and save to hexo post.


Install under hexo blog

$ npm install hexo-html-syncer --save
// or
$ npm install github:lwz7512/hexo-html-syncer --save


under hexo blog directory:

$ hexo syncer article_url_address
# for example:
$ hexo syncer http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Tp4W-_0MXMvN5Tw3jlrtLg

Check result

$ hexo server

then open browser to view the newly downloaded article in localhost.


  • html element filter for different website before converting to markdown.


welcome to fork and send pull request...

to be continued...