
KnightJS game engine with a modularized structure

Primary LanguageJavaScript


from @Rainbow Coding Lab

  • 2023/10/28

KnightJS Game Engine migrated from knight

Why doing this

Original version of knight game developed and built with a non-modules approach, it works but looks not well organized. In order to make it running with a modern javascript native module way, and do not need to rely on a build tool to make it executable in browser, I migrated and refactored the whole project into a modulelized javascript project.

With this refactoring work, this project have a clear structure starting with an index file, so its easy to read, maintain, and extend than ever.


One big change compared with original is the game level initialization, this modulized version change the way of level initial, using a Level Manager to coordinate level change. So that, there would be no more circualr reference inside the project.


npm install
npm start

then open browser to visit: http://localhost:3000

Verson History

  • v1.0 - 2023/10/28 ceate project structure
  • v1.1 - 2023/11/08 project is working with bug, no player showing up
  • v1.2 - 2023/11/10 project is fully working without bugs, and CPU usage under 100%