XQ-GAN🚀: An Open-source Image Tokenization Framework for Autoregressive Generation
- 649459021
- ch3cook-fduByteDance Research
- Corleone-HuangUniveristy of Science and Technology of China
- czg1225National University of Singapore
- FlyyingDragonBytedance
- fupiao1998
- GewelsJIANU
- gizixiDabble Solutions
- HalvesChenGuangzhou
- HarveyYi
- HashmatShadabAbu Dhabi, UAE
- HhhhhhaoPittsburgh
- hp-l33Huawei 2012 Lab
- iamlockelightning
- iFightingWFH
- Joyies
- leon532BIT & UTS
- logikstate
- lxa9867Carnegie Mellon University
- MichaelMaiiiSouth China University of Technology
- muzairkhattakEPFL
- Nbuch11
- Njasa2k
- qiuk2
- QuLiao1117Carnegie Mellon University
- RobertLuo1Tsinghua University
- SelfishGeneTel Aviv, Israel
- sen-ye
- Serge-weihaoSJTU
- Space-XunNLPR
- SunzeYSJTU
- taki0112NAVER AI Lab
- tensorboyTikTok Inc
- wzzhengBAIR, UC Berkeley
- XudangliatigerThe University of Sydney
- ZhendongWang6University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)