Stupid simple tool to book group rooms at the university library. Best usage is to create a weekly cronjob to book your favorite room at the same time.
- selenium (pip install selenium
import RoomBooker as rb
import sys
parameters = {
'date': sys.argv[1]
'start': sys.argv[2]
'end': sys.argv[3]
'room_number': sys.argv[4]
'partner': sys.argv[5]
booker = rb.RoomBooker(parameters, 'Username', 'password')
python3 -W ignore 20190928 1150 1450 45 BestFriend
- Booking at half past an hour (for example, 1430 instead of 1400) requires you to enter 1450 as a time instead.
- Creating a booking that is outside of the time limits is possible, but would probably create suspicion around your account.